I've got qemu built and now I need to figure out how to run it with what I've
got. I have a vmlinux and a bzImage that I want to serve as the kernel that
QEMU runs with, and a single binary, let's just call it literally `program`,
that I want to issue a command to run once QEMU boots with the kernel.
I tried to figure out how to run the QEMU on my own, and made it as far as this:
./qemu//bin/debug/native/qemu-system-x86_64 -enable-kvm -m 2048 -display
vnc=:89 \
-netdev user,id=t0, -device rtl8139,netdev=t0,id=nic0 \
-netdev user,id=t1, -device pcnet,netdev=t1,id=nic1 \
-L ./qemu/pc-bios \
-boot c -kernel $HOME/workspace/kvmctf-6.1.74/bzImage/bzImage
It runs, but there isn't any output to the screen to show it booting, and QEMU
runs the processor hard indefinitely. I need to be able to see standard output
and to be able to type into the console to enter the command, and I don't know
how to get it to or why it isn't showing that already. Also, once that is
working, I need a way to put `program` into the QEMU session so that it can be
run. Can someone help me? I think I need to make an img file that can boot but
I don't really know how to do that either.