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Re: [PATCH v3 3/4] tests/guest-debug: Support passing arguments to the G

From: Alex Bennée
Subject: Re: [PATCH v3 3/4] tests/guest-debug: Support passing arguments to the GDB test script
Date: Fri, 06 Sep 2024 14:49:11 +0100
User-agent: mu4e 1.12.6; emacs 29.4

Gustavo Romero <gustavo.romero@linaro.org> writes:

> This commit adds support for passing arguments to the GDB test scripts
> so it's possible to parse the args in an "argparse way" in the test
> scripts launched by the runner. The arguments should be preceded by --
> when passed to the runner. For example, passing "--help" arg to the
> run-test.py [...] --test <GDB_TEST_SCRIPT> -- --help
> The test script should not use the argparse module directly but import
> arg_parser from test_gdbstub module. arg_parser then can be used just
> like the argparse.ArgumentParser class:
> from test_gdbstub import arg_parser
> p = arg_parser(prog="test-mytest.py", description="My test.")
> p.add_argument("--vowel", help="Select vowel",
>                required=True, choices=['a','e','i','o','u'])
> [...]
> The arg_parser allows a smooth and informative exit if, for instance,
> the caller of the runner script passes an invalid argument or misses a
> required argument by the test script.
> Signed-off-by: Gustavo Romero <gustavo.romero@linaro.org>

Reviewed-by: Alex Bennée <alex.bennee@linaro.org>

Alex Bennée
Virtualisation Tech Lead @ Linaro

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