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Re: [PATCH] sh4: mac.l: implement saturation arithmetic logic

From: Peter Maydell
Subject: Re: [PATCH] sh4: mac.l: implement saturation arithmetic logic
Date: Thu, 4 Apr 2024 16:37:54 +0100

On Thu, 4 Apr 2024 at 16:12, Zack Buhman <zack@buhman.org> wrote:
> The saturation arithmetic logic in helper_macl is not correct.
> I tested and verified this behavior on a SH7091, the general pattern
> is a code sequence such as:
>         sets
>         mov.l _mach,r2
>         lds r2,mach
>         mov.l _macl,r2
>         lds r2,macl
>         mova _n,r0
>         mov r0,r1
>         mova _m,r0
>         mac.l @r0+,@r1+
>     _mach: .long 0x00007fff
>     _macl: .long 0x12345678
>     _m:    .long 0x7fffffff
>     _n:    .long 0x7fffffff
> Test case 0: (no int64_t overflow)
>   given; prior to saturation mac.l:
>     mach = 0x00007fff macl = 0x12345678
>     @r0  = 0x7fffffff @r1  = 0x7fffffff
>   expected saturation mac.l result:
>     mach = 0x00007fff macl = 0xffffffff
>   qemu saturation mac.l result (prior to this commit):
>     mach = 0x00007ffe macl = 0x12345678
> Test case 1: (no int64_t overflow)
>   given; prior to saturation mac.l:
>     mach = 0xffff8000 macl = 0x00000000
>     @r0  = 0xffffffff @r1  = 0x00000001
>   expected saturation mac.l result:
>     mach = 0xffff8000 macl = 0x00000000
>   qemu saturation mac.l result (prior to this commit):
>     mach = 0xffff7fff macl = 0xffffffff
> Test case 2: (int64_t addition overflow)
>   given; prior to saturation mac.l:
>     mach = 0x80000000 macl = 0x00000000
>     @r0  = 0xffffffff @r1  = 0x00000001
>   expected saturation mac.l result:
>     mach = 0xffff8000 macl = 0x00000000
>   qemu saturation mac.l result (prior to this commit):
>     mach = 0xffff7fff macl = 0xffffffff
> Test case 3: (int64_t addition overflow)
>   given; prior to saturation mac.l:
>     mach = 0x7fffffff macl = 0x00000000
>     @r0 = 0x7fffffff @r1 = 0x7fffffff
>   expected saturation mac.l result:
>     mach = 0x00007fff macl = 0xffffffff
>   qemu saturation mac.l result (prior to this commit):
>     mach = 0xfffffffe macl = 0x00000001
> All of the above also matches the description of MAC.L as documented
> in cd00147165-sh-4-32-bit-cpu-core-architecture-stmicroelectronics.pdf
> ---
>  target/sh4/op_helper.c | 45 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------
>  1 file changed, 35 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)
> diff --git a/target/sh4/op_helper.c b/target/sh4/op_helper.c
> index 4559d0d376..a3eb2f5281 100644
> --- a/target/sh4/op_helper.c
> +++ b/target/sh4/op_helper.c
> @@ -160,18 +160,43 @@ void helper_ocbi(CPUSH4State *env, uint32_t address)
>  void helper_macl(CPUSH4State *env, uint32_t arg0, uint32_t arg1)
>  {
> -    int64_t res;
> -
> -    res = ((uint64_t) env->mach << 32) | env->macl;
> -    res += (int64_t) (int32_t) arg0 *(int64_t) (int32_t) arg1;
> -    env->mach = (res >> 32) & 0xffffffff;
> -    env->macl = res & 0xffffffff;
> +    int32_t value0 = (int32_t)arg0;
> +    int32_t value1 = (int32_t)arg1;
> +    int64_t mul = ((int64_t)value0) * ((int64_t)value1);
> +    int64_t mac = (((uint64_t)env->mach) << 32) | env->macl;
> +    int64_t result = mac + mul;
> +    /* Perform 48-bit saturation arithmetic if the S flag is set */
>      if (env->sr & (1u << SR_S)) {
> -        if (res < 0)
> -            env->mach |= 0xffff0000;
> -        else
> -            env->mach &= 0x00007fff;
> +        /*
> +         * The following xor/and expression is necessary to detect an
> +         * overflow in MSB of res; this is logic necessary because the
> +         * sign bit of `mac + mul` may overflow. The MAC unit on real
> +         * SH-4 hardware has carry/saturation logic that is equivalent
> +         * to the following:
> +         */
> +        const int64_t upper_bound =  ((1ull << 47) - 1);
> +        const int64_t lower_bound = -((1ull << 47) - 0);
> +
> +        if (((((result ^ mac) & (result ^ mul)) >> 63) & 1) == 1) {
> +            /* An overflow occured during 64-bit addition */

This is testing whether the "int64_t result = mac + mul"
signed 64-bit arithmetic overflowed, right? That's probably
cleaner written by using the sadd64_overflow() function in
host-utils.h, which does the 64-bit add and returns a bool
to tell you whether it overflowed or not:

   if (sadd64_overflow(mac, mul, &result)) {
       result = (result < 0) ? lower_bound : upper_bound;
   } else {
       result = MIN(MAX(result, lower_bound), upper_bound);

> +            if (((mac >> 63) & 1) == 0) {
> +                result = upper_bound;
> +            } else {
> +                result = lower_bound;
> +            }
> +        } else {
> +            /* An overflow did not occur during 64-bit addition */
> +            if (result > upper_bound) {
> +                result = upper_bound;
> +            } else if (result < lower_bound) {
> +                result = lower_bound;
> +            } else {
> +                /* leave result unchanged */
> +            }
> +        }
>      }
> +    env->macl = result;
> +    env->mach = result >> 32;

-- PMM

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