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Re: [PATCH v1 4/5] hw/ppc: SPI SEEPROM model

From: Stefan Berger
Subject: Re: [PATCH v1 4/5] hw/ppc: SPI SEEPROM model
Date: Fri, 8 Mar 2024 10:14:24 -0500
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird

On 2/7/24 11:08, Chalapathi V wrote:
This commit implements a Serial EEPROM utilizing the Serial Peripheral
Interface (SPI) compatible bus.
Currently implemented SEEPROM is Microchip's 25CSM04 which provides 4 Mbits
of Serial EEPROM utilizing the Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) compatible
bus. The device is organized as 524288 bytes of 8 bits each (512Kbyte) and
is optimized for use in consumer and industrial applications where reliable
and dependable nonvolatile memory storage is essential.

Signed-off-by: Chalapathi V <chalapathi.v@linux.ibm.com>
  include/hw/ppc/pnv_spi_seeprom.h |  70 +++
  hw/ppc/pnv_spi_seeprom.c         | 989 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  hw/ppc/meson.build               |   1 +
  3 files changed, 1060 insertions(+)
  create mode 100644 include/hw/ppc/pnv_spi_seeprom.h
  create mode 100644 hw/ppc/pnv_spi_seeprom.c

diff --git a/include/hw/ppc/pnv_spi_seeprom.h b/include/hw/ppc/pnv_spi_seeprom.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9739e411b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/hw/ppc/pnv_spi_seeprom.h
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+ * QEMU PowerPC SPI SEEPROM model
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2024, IBM Corporation.
+ *
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
+ *
+ * This model implements a Serial EEPROM utilizing the Serial Peripheral
+ * Interface (SPI) compatible bus.
+ * Currently supported variants: 25CSM04.
+ * The Microchip Technology Inc. 25CSM04 provides 4 Mbits of Serial EEPROM
+ * utilizing the Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) compatible bus. The device
+ * is organized as 524288 bytes of 8 bits each (512Kbyte) and is optimized
+ * for use in consumer and industrial applications where reliable and
+ * dependable nonvolatile memory storage is essential
+ */
+#include "hw/ppc/pnv_spi_responder.h"
+#include "qom/object.h"
+#define TYPE_PNV_SPI_SEEPROM "pnv-spi-seeprom"
+typedef struct xfer_buffer xfer_buffer;
+typedef struct PnvSpiSeeprom {
+    PnvSpiResponder resp;
+    char            *file; /* SEEPROM image file */
+    uint8_t         opcode; /* SEEPROM Opcode */
+    uint32_t        addr; /* SEEPROM Command Address */
+    uint8_t         rd_state; /* READ State Machine state variable */
+    bool            locked; /* Security Register Locked */
+    bool            controller_connected; /* Flag for master connection */
+    /*
+     * Device registers
+     * The 25CSM04 contains four types of registers that modulate device
+     * operation and/or report on the current status of the device. These
+     * registers are:
+     * STATUS register
+     * Security register
+     * Memory Partition registers (eight total)
+     * Identification register
+     */
+    uint8_t         status0;
+    uint8_t         status1;
+    /*
+     * The Security register is split into
+     * 1. user-programmable lockable ID page section.
+     * 2. The read-only section contains a preprogrammed, globally unique,
+     *    128-bit serial number.
+     */
+    uint8_t         uplid[256];
+    uint8_t         dsn[16];
+    uint8_t         mpr[8];
+    uint8_t         idr[5];
+} PnvSpiSeeprom;
+xfer_buffer *seeprom_spi_request(PnvSpiResponder *resp, int first, int last,
+                int bits, xfer_buffer *payload);
+void seeprom_connect_controller(PnvSpiResponder *resp, const char *port);
+void seeprom_disconnect_controller(PnvSpiResponder *resp);
+bool compute_addr(PnvSpiSeeprom *spi_resp, xfer_buffer *req_payload,
+                   xfer_buffer *rsp_payload, int bits, uint32_t *data_offset);
+bool validate_addr(PnvSpiSeeprom *spi_resp);
+#endif /* PPC_PNV_SPI_SEEPROM_H */
diff --git a/hw/ppc/pnv_spi_seeprom.c b/hw/ppc/pnv_spi_seeprom.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ae46610045
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hw/ppc/pnv_spi_seeprom.c
@@ -0,0 +1,989 @@
+ * QEMU PowerPC SPI SEEPROM model
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2024, IBM Corporation.
+ *
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
+ */
+#include "qemu/osdep.h"
+#include "qemu/log.h"
+#include "hw/ppc/pnv_spi_seeprom.h"
+#include <math.h>
+#define SPI_DEBUG(x)
+ * 2-byte STATUS register which is a combination of six nonvolatile bits of
+ * EEPROM and five volatile latches.
+ *
+ * status 0:
+ * bit 7 WPEN: Write-Protect Enable bit
+ * 1 = Write-Protect pin is enabled, 0 = Write-Protect pin is ignored
+ *
+ * bit 3-2 BP<1:0>: Block Protection bits
+ * 00 = No array write protection
+ * 01 = Upper quarter memory array protection
+ * 10 = Upper half memory array protection
+ * 11 = Entire memory array protection
+ *
+ * bit 1 WEL: Write Enable Latch bit
+ * 1 = WREN has been executed and device is enabled for writing
+ * 0 = Device is not write-enabled
+ *
+ * bit 0 RDY/BSY: Ready/Busy Status Latch bit
+ * 1 = Device is busy with an internal write cycle
+ * 0 = Device is ready for a new sequence
+ */
+#define STATUS0_WPEN        0x7
+#define STATUS0_BP          0x2
+#define STATUS0_WEL         0x1
+#define STATUS0_BUSY        0x0
+ * status 1:
+ * bit 7 WPM: Write Protection Mode bit(1)
+ * 1 = Enhanced Write Protection mode selected (factory default)
+ * 0 = Legacy Write Protection mode selected
+ *
+ * bit 6 ECS: Error Correction State Latch bit
+ * 1 = The previously executed read sequence did require the ECC
+ * 0 = The previous executed read sequence did not require the ECC
+ *
+ * bit 5 FMPC: Freeze Memory Protection Configuration bit(2)
+ * 1 = Memory Partition registers and write protection mode are permanently
+ *     frozen and cannot be modified
+ * 0 = Memory Partition registers and write protection mode are not frozen
+ *     and are modifiable
+ *
+ * bit 4 PREL: Partition Register Write Enable Latch bit
+ * 1 = PRWE has been executed and WMPR, FRZR and PPAB instructions are enabled
+ * 0 = WMPR, FRZR and PPAB instructions are disabled
+ *
+ * bit 3 PABP: Partition Address Boundary Protection bit
+ * 1 = Partition Address Endpoints set in Memory Partition registers
+ *     cannot be modified
+ * 0 = Partition Address Endpoints set in Memory Partition registers
+ *     are modifiable
+ *
+ * bit 0 RDY/BSY: Ready/Busy Status Latch bit
+ * 1 = Device is busy with an internal write cycle
+ * 0 = Device is ready for a new sequence
+ */
+#define STATUS1_WPM             0x7
+#define STATUS1_ECS             0x6
+#define STATUS1_FMPC            0x5
+#define STATUS1_PREL            0x4
+#define STATUS1_PABP            0x3
+#define STATUS1_BUSY            0x0
+ * Note 1: The MPR cannot be written if the FMPC bit has been set.
+ *      2: The Partition Endpoint Address bits cannot be written if the PABP
+ *         bit has been set.
+ *
+ * bits 7-6 PB<1:0>: Partition Behavior bits(1)
+ * 00 = Partition is open and writing is permitted
+ *      factory default is unprotected.
+ * 01 = Partition is always write-protected but can be reversed at a later
+ *      time (software write-protected).
+ * 10 = Partition is write-protected only when WP pin is asserted
+ *      (hardware write-protected).
+ * 11 = Partition is software write-protected and MPR is permanently locked
+ *
+ * bit 5-0 A<18:13>: Partition Endpoint Address bits(1, 2)
+ * 000000 = Endpoint address of partition is set to 01FFFh.
+ * 000001 = Endpoint address of partition is set to 03FFFh.
+ * ----
+ * 111110 = Endpoint address of partition is set to 7DFFFh.
+ * 111111 = Endpoint address of partition is set to 7FFFFh.
+ */
+#define MPR_PB                  0x6
+#define MPR_PEA                 0x5
+#define RDSR        0x05
+#define WRBP        0x08
+#define WREN        0x06
+#define WRDI        0x04
+#define WRSR        0x01
+#define READ        0x03
+#define WRITE       0x0
+#define RDEX_CHLK   0x83
+#define WREX_LOCK   0x82
+#define RMPR        0x31
+#define PRWE        0x07
+#define PRWD        0x0A
+#define WMPR        0x32
+#define PPAB        0x34
+#define FRZR        0x37
+#define SPID        0x9F
+#define SRST        0x7C
+/* READ FSM state */
+#define ST_IDLE     0
+#define ST_READ     1
+#define ST_SEC_READ 2
+xfer_buffer *seeprom_spi_request(PnvSpiResponder *resp,
+        int first, int last, int bits, xfer_buffer *payload)
+    PnvSpiSeeprom *seeprom = PNV_SPI_SEEPROM(resp);
+    uint32_t data_offset = 0;
+    int data_len = 0;
+    xfer_buffer *rsp_payload = NULL;
+    uint8_t *read_buf = NULL;
+    uint8_t *buf = NULL;
+    uint16_t idx;
+    bool failed = false;

Add empty line after variables declaration.

+    SPI_DEBUG(qemu_log("Received SPI request, first=%d, last=%d, bits=%d, "
+              "payload length=%d\n", first, last, bits, payload->len));
+    if (seeprom->controller_connected == false) {
+        qemu_log_mask(LOG_GUEST_ERROR, "Controller is disconnected, invoke "
+                      "connect method of spi_responder interface\n");
+        return rsp_payload;
+    }
+    if (rsp_payload == NULL) {
+        rsp_payload = xfer_buffer_new();
+    }
+    buf = xfer_buffer_write_ptr(rsp_payload, 0, payload->len);
+    memset(buf, 0xFF, payload->len);
+    /*
+     * SPI communication is always full-duplex, so the controller receives as
+     * many bits as it sends, although often both the responder and controller
+     * device ignores some incoming bits. To simulate half-duplex the 
+     * sends zeros to the responder when controller is receiving and ignores
+     * incoming data when the controller transmitting. So, a SPI response 
+     * always have the same length in bits as the corresponding request.
+     */
+    if ((payload->len != ceil(bits / 8)) || (payload->len <= 0)) {

len is a uint32 and can never be < 0.

+        qemu_log_mask(LOG_GUEST_ERROR, "Incorrect Payload size bits(%d) "
+                      "Payload_len(%d bytes)\n", bits, payload->len);
+        return rsp_payload;
+    }
+    if ((bits % 8) != 0) {
+        qemu_log_mask(LOG_GUEST_ERROR, "non-8bit aligned SPI transfer is "
+                      "unimplemented\n");
+        return rsp_payload;
+    }
+    /*
+     * Different scenarios for first and last SPI interface method parameters
+     *
+     * first(1) and last(1)
+     * SPI Controller can invoke spi_request with parameters first(1) and
+     * last(1), which indicates this is first and last spi_request in this
+     * transaction. This can be used when the valid data (excluding fake bytes)
+     * transmitted or received over SPI is less than or equal to 8 Bytes
+     *
+     * first(1) and last(0), # (required) first request
+     * first(0) and last(0), # (optional) in-between requests
+     * first(0) and last(0), # (optional) in-between requests
+     * ..
+     * ..
+     * first(0) and last(1), # (required) last request in the transaction
+     * SPI Controller can invoke spi_request multiple times with parameters
+     * first and last as shown in the sequence above for a transaction. This
+     * can be used when the valid data(excluding fake bytes) transmitted or
+     * received over SPI is more than 8 Bytes, SPI controller splits the
+     * transaction into multiple requests, this is due to TDR and RDR size(8B)
+     * restriction in SPI Controller.
+     */
+    /*
+     * check if first is "1", indicates a new incoming command sequence fetch
+     * the opcode and address from payload.
+     */
+    if (first == 1) {
+        /* Fetch opcode from offset 0 of payload */
+        xfer_buffer_read_ptr(payload, &read_buf, 0, 1);
+        seeprom->opcode = read_buf[0];
+        SPI_DEBUG(qemu_log("Command Opcode (0x%x)\n", seeprom->opcode));
+        /*
+         * Check if device is busy with internal write cycle, During this
+         * time, only the Read STATUS Register (RDSR) and the Write Ready/Busy
+         * Poll (WRBP) instructions will be executed by the device.
+         */
+        bool status0_busy = extract8(seeprom->status0, STATUS0_BUSY, 1);
+        bool status1_busy = extract8(seeprom->status1, STATUS1_BUSY, 1);

Variables should be declared at the top of the function or block.

+        if (((status0_busy == 1) || (status1_busy == 1)) &&
+            ((seeprom->opcode != RDSR) || (seeprom->opcode != WRBP))) {
+            qemu_log_mask(LOG_GUEST_ERROR, "Busy with Internal Write Cycle, "
+                           "opcode(0x%x) not executed\n", seeprom->opcode);
+            return rsp_payload;
+        }
+        /*
+         * Implement a state machine for READ sequence, to catch an error
+         * scenario when controller generates a new command sequence, with out
+         * properly terminating the READ sequence, as shown below
+         * first(1) and last(0), # READ command
+         * first(0) and last(0), # READ command continues
+         * ...
+         * first(1) and last(0,1), # New command sequence
+         * Not required to implement a state machine for write sequence as
+         * we can leverage status register for it
+         */
+        if (seeprom->rd_state != ST_IDLE) {
+            qemu_log_mask(LOG_GUEST_ERROR, "New Command Sequence with "
+                           "opcode(0x%x)is ignored Previous READ sequence is "
+                           "not terminated properly!!! Continuing the previous 
+                           "READ sequence\n", seeprom->opcode);
+            seeprom->opcode = (seeprom->rd_state == ST_READ) ? READ :
+                                                                 RDEX_CHLK;
+        } else {
+            /*
+             * For a new command sequence compute Address and data offset in
+             * xfer_buffer.
+             */
+            failed = compute_addr(seeprom, payload, rsp_payload, bits,
+                            &data_offset);
+            /*
+             * Address computation failed, nothing to do further, just send
+             * response and return from here.
+             */ > +            if (failed == true) {
if (failed) {
+                return rsp_payload;
+            }
+        }
+    } /* end of branch if (first == 1) */

add empty line here

+    switch (seeprom->opcode) {
+    case READ:
+        SPI_DEBUG(qemu_log("READ(0x%x), addr(0x%x)\n",
+                  seeprom->opcode, seeprom->addr));
+        seeprom->rd_state = ST_READ;
+        data_len = payload->len - data_offset;
+        /* Make sure data is at least 1 Byte */
+        if (data_len <= 0) {
+            qemu_log_mask(LOG_GUEST_ERROR, "Insufficient Data Bytes(%dB), "
+                           "should be at least 1 Byte\n", data_len);
+            break;
+        }
+        /* Fill the buffer with the data read from image */
+        buf = xfer_buffer_write_ptr(rsp_payload, data_offset, data_len);
+        FILE *f;

Move variable decl to top of the block.

+        if (seeprom->file) {
+            f = fopen(seeprom->file, "rb+");
+            if (f) {
+                fseek(f, seeprom->addr, SEEK_SET);

Check return code.

+                int read_len = fread(buf, sizeof(uint8_t), data_len, f);

move variable declaration to top of block

+                if (read_len == data_len) {
+                    SPI_DEBUG(qemu_log("Read %d bytes from seeprom\n",
+                                            read_len));
+                } else {
+                    if (ferror(f)) {
+                        SPI_DEBUG(qemu_log("Error reading seeprom\n"));
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            fclose(f);
+        }
+        /* Check if last is 0 and increase address by data length */
+        if (last == 0) {
+            seeprom->addr = (seeprom->addr & 0x7FFFF) + data_len;
+        } else {
+            seeprom->rd_state = ST_IDLE;
+        }
+        break;
+    case RDSR:
+        SPI_DEBUG(qemu_log("READ Status Register RDSR(0x%x)\n",
+                    seeprom->opcode));
+        data_len = payload->len - data_offset;
+        /* Make sure data is at least 1 Byte */
+        if (data_len <= 0) {
+            qemu_log_mask(LOG_GUEST_ERROR, "Insufficient Data Bytes(%dB), "
+                           "should be at least 1 Byte\n", data_len);
+            break;
+        }
+        buf = xfer_buffer_write_ptr(rsp_payload, data_offset, data_len);
+        buf[0] = seeprom->status0;
+        if (data_len == 2) {
+            buf[1] = seeprom->status1;
+        }
+        break;
+    case WRBP:
+        SPI_DEBUG(qemu_log("Write Ready/Busy Poll WRBP(0x%x)\n",
+                    seeprom->opcode));
+        data_len = payload->len - data_offset;
+        /* Make sure data is at least 1 Byte */
+        if (data_len <= 0) {
+            qemu_log_mask(LOG_GUEST_ERROR, "Insufficient Data Bytes(%dB), "
+                           "should be at least 1 Byte\n", data_len);
+            break;
+        }
+        buf = xfer_buffer_write_ptr(rsp_payload, data_offset, 0x1);
+        bool status0_busy = extract8(seeprom->status0, STATUS0_BUSY, 1);
+        bool status1_busy = extract8(seeprom->status1, STATUS1_BUSY, 1);

variable declaration

+        if ((status0_busy == 1) || (status1_busy == 1)) {
+            buf[0] = 0xFF;
+        } else {
+            buf[0] = 0x00;
+        }
+        break;
+    case WREN:
+        SPI_DEBUG(qemu_log("Set Write Enable Latch (WEL) WREN(0x%x)\n",
+                    seeprom->opcode));
+        seeprom->status0 = deposit32(seeprom->status0, STATUS0_WEL, 1, 1);
+        break;
+    case WRDI:
+        SPI_DEBUG(qemu_log("Set Write Enable Latch (WEL) WRDI(0x%x)\n",
+                    seeprom->opcode));
+        seeprom->status0 = deposit32(seeprom->status0, STATUS0_WEL, 1, 0);
+        break;
+    case WRSR:
+        SPI_DEBUG(qemu_log("Write STATUS Register WRSR(0x%x)\n",
+                    seeprom->opcode));
+        if (extract8(seeprom->status0, STATUS0_WEL, 1) == 1) {
+            data_len = payload->len - data_offset;
+            /* Make sure data is at least 1 Byte */
+            if (data_len <= 0) {
+                qemu_log_mask(LOG_GUEST_ERROR, "Insufficient Data Bytes(%dB),"
+                                 " should be at least 1 Byte\n", data_len);
+                break;
+            }
+            /* Mask and update status0/1 bytes */
+            xfer_buffer_read_ptr(payload, &read_buf, 1, 2);
+            seeprom->status0 = read_buf[0] & 0x8C;
+            /* 2nd Status Byte is optional */
+            if (data_len == 2) {
+                seeprom->status1 = read_buf[1] & 0x80;
+            }
+        } else {
+            qemu_log_mask(LOG_GUEST_ERROR, "Set Write Enable Latch (WEL) "
+                            "before doing WRSR\n");
+        }
+        break;
+    case SPID:
+                    seeprom->opcode));
+        data_len = payload->len - data_offset;

Missing check here for data_len <= 0?

+        buf = xfer_buffer_write_ptr(rsp_payload, data_offset, data_len);
+        for (idx = 0; idx < data_len; idx++) {
+            buf[idx] = seeprom->idr[idx];
+        }

Use memcpy().

+        break;
+    case SRST:
+        SPI_DEBUG(qemu_log("Software Device Reset, SRST(0x%x)\n",
+                    seeprom->opcode));
+        /*
+         * Note: The SRST instruction cannot interrupt the device while it is
+         * in a Busy state (Section 6.1.4 Ready/Busy Status Latch).
+         * This is already taken care when the command opcode is fetched
... taken care of ...

+         *
+         * 1.2 Device Default State
+         * 1.2.1 POWER-UP DEFAULT STATE
+         * The 25CSM04 default state upon power-up consists of:
+         * - Standby Power mode (CS = HIGH)
+         * - A high-to-low level transition on CS is required to enter the
+         *   active state
+         `* - WEL bit in the STATUS register = 0

stray '`'

+         * - ECS bit in the STATUS register = 0
+         * - PREL bit in the STATUS register = 0
+         * - Ready/Busy (RDY/BUSY) bit in the STATUS register = 0, indicating
+         *   the device is ready to accept a new instruction.
+         */
+        seeprom->status0 = deposit32(seeprom->status0, STATUS0_WEL, 1, 0);
+        seeprom->status1 = deposit32(seeprom->status1, STATUS1_ECS, 1, 0);
+        seeprom->status1 = deposit32(seeprom->status1, STATUS1_PREL, 1, 0);
+        seeprom->status0 = deposit32(seeprom->status0, STATUS0_BUSY, 1, 0);
+        seeprom->status1 = deposit32(seeprom->status1, STATUS1_BUSY, 1, 0);
+        break;
+    case WRITE:
+        SPI_DEBUG(qemu_log("WRITE(0x%x), addr(0x%x)\n",
+                    seeprom->opcode, seeprom->addr));
+        if (extract8(seeprom->status0, STATUS0_WEL, 1) != 1) {
+            qemu_log_mask(LOG_GUEST_ERROR, "Device is not Write Enabled, "
+                            "ignoring WRITE instruction\n");
+            break;
+        }
+        /* Make sure data is at least 1 Byte */

You forgot to calculate data_len here it seems.

+        if (data_len <= 0) {
+            /*
+             * first   last    comment
+             * 0       0       data length cannot be 0
+             * 0       1       data length cannot be 0
+             * 1       0       data length can be 0, don't log error
+             * 1       1       data length cannot be 0
+             */
+            if (!(first == 1 && (last == 0))) {

(first == 1) so it looks like (last == 0)

+                qemu_log_mask(LOG_GUEST_ERROR, "Insufficient Data Bytes(%dB),"
+                                    " should be at least 1 Byte\n", data_len);
+                break;
+            }
+        }
+        /* Write into SEEPROM Array */
+        SPI_DEBUG(qemu_log("(%d)%s Write sequence\n", data_len,
+                            (data_len == 1) ? "Byte" : "Bytes Page"));
+        xfer_buffer_read_ptr(payload, &read_buf, data_offset, data_len);
+        if (seeprom->file) {
+            f = fopen(seeprom->file, "rb+");
+            if (f) {
+                fseek(f, seeprom->addr, SEEK_SET);

check return code

+                int write_len = fwrite(read_buf, sizeof(uint8_t), data_len, f);

variable declaration

+                if (write_len == data_len) {
+                    SPI_DEBUG(qemu_log("Write %d bytes to seeprom\n",
+                                            write_len));
+                } else {
+                    SPI_DEBUG(qemu_log("Failed to write seeprom\n"));
+                }
+            }
+            fclose(f);
+        }
+        /* Increase offset in the page */
+        seeprom->addr += data_len;
+        /* Check if last is 1 and end the sequence */
+        if (last == 1) {
+            seeprom->status0 = deposit32(seeprom->status0, STATUS0_WEL, 1, 0);
+        }
+        break;
+    case RMPR:
+        SPI_DEBUG(qemu_log("RMPR(0x%x) for MPR[%d]\n", seeprom->opcode,
+                  extract8(seeprom->addr, 16, 2)));
+        data_len = payload->len - data_offset
It may be worth considering another switch statement before this one where you do this repetitive data_len handling just once:

switch (seeprom->opcode) {
case READ:
case RMPR:
case WMPR:
case PPAB:
    data_len = payload->len - data_offset;
    if (data_len <= 0) {
qem_log_mask(LOG_GUEST_ERROR, "%s: Insufficient number of bytes: %d", __func__, data_len););
        return NULL;
  /* does not access payload  */

+        /* Make sure data is at least 1 Byte */
+        if (data_len <= 0) {
+            qemu_log_mask(LOG_GUEST_ERROR, "Insufficient Data Bytes(%dB),"
+                             " should be at least 1 Byte\n", data_len);
+            break;
+        }
+        buf = xfer_buffer_write_ptr(rsp_payload, data_offset, 0x1);
+        buf[0] = seeprom->mpr[extract8(seeprom->addr, 16, 2)];

What is '16' in this case (used agaoin below also)? Add comment or define a constant?

+        break;
+    case PRWE:
+        SPI_DEBUG(qemu_log("Set Memory Partition Write Enable Latch "
+                    "PRWE(0x%x)\n", seeprom->opcode));
+        seeprom->status1 = deposit32(seeprom->status1, STATUS1_PREL, 1, 1);
+        break;
+    case PRWD:
+        SPI_DEBUG(qemu_log("Reset Memory Partition Write Enable Latch "
+                    "PRWD(0x%x)\n", seeprom->opcode));
+        seeprom->status1 = deposit32(seeprom->status1, STATUS1_PREL, 1, 0);
+        break;
+    case WMPR:
+        SPI_DEBUG(qemu_log("Write Memory Partition Register[%d] WMPR(0x%x)\n",
+                    extract8(seeprom->addr, 16, 2), seeprom->opcode));
+        /*
+         * Once the WEL and PREL bits in the STATUS register have been set to
+         * 1, the Memory Partition registers can be programmed provided that
+         * the FMPC bit in the STATUS register has not already been set to a
+         * logic 1.
+         */
+        if ((extract8(seeprom->status0, STATUS0_WEL, 1) != 1) ||
+            (extract8(seeprom->status1, STATUS1_PREL, 1) != 1) ||
+            (extract8(seeprom->status1, STATUS1_FMPC, 1) == 1)) {
+            qemu_log_mask(LOG_GUEST_ERROR, "ignoring Write to MPR\n");
+            break;
+        }
+        data_len = payload->len - data_offset;
+        /* Make sure data is at least 1 Byte */
+        if (data_len <= 0) {
+            qemu_log_mask(LOG_GUEST_ERROR, "Insufficient Data Bytes(%dB),"
+                             " should be at least 1 Byte\n", data_len);
+            break;
+        }
+        xfer_buffer_read_ptr(payload, &read_buf, data_offset, 0x1);
+        if (extract8(seeprom->status1, STATUS1_PABP, 1) == 1) {
+            /* Partition Address Boundaries Protected */
+            seeprom->mpr[extract8(seeprom->addr, 16, 2)] =
+                ((read_buf[0] >> 6) & 0x3);
+        } else {
+            seeprom->mpr[extract8(seeprom->addr, 16, 2)] = read_buf[0];
+        }
+        seeprom->status0 = deposit32(seeprom->status0, STATUS0_WEL, 1, 0);
+        seeprom->status1 = deposit32(seeprom->status1, STATUS1_PREL, 1, 0);
+        break;
+    case PPAB:
+        SPI_DEBUG(qemu_log("Protect Partition Address Boundaries PPAB(0x%x)\n",
+                            seeprom->opcode));
+        if ((extract8(seeprom->status0, STATUS0_WEL, 1) != 1) ||
+            (extract8(seeprom->status1, STATUS1_PREL, 1) != 1) ||
+            (extract8(seeprom->status1, STATUS1_FMPC, 1) == 1)) {
+            qemu_log_mask(LOG_GUEST_ERROR, "Ignoring PPAB command\n");
+            break;
+        }
+        data_len = payload->len - data_offset;
+        /* Make sure data is at least 1 Byte */
+        if (data_len <= 0) {
+            qemu_log_mask(LOG_GUEST_ERROR, "Insufficient Data Bytes(%dB),"
+                             " should be at least 1 Byte\n", data_len);
+            break;
+        }
+        xfer_buffer_read_ptr(payload, &read_buf, data_offset, 0x1);
+        if (read_buf[0] == 0xFF) {
+            seeprom->status1 = deposit32(seeprom->status1,
+                                            STATUS1_PABP, 1, 1);
+        } else if (read_buf[0] == 0x0) {
+            seeprom->status1 = deposit32(seeprom->status1,
+                                            STATUS1_PABP, 1, 0);
+        } else {
+            qemu_log_mask(LOG_GUEST_ERROR, "Incorrect Data Byte(0x%x), "
+                            "should be 0x0 or 0xFF\n", read_buf[0]);
+        }
+        seeprom->status0 = deposit32(seeprom->status0, STATUS0_WEL, 1, 0);
+        seeprom->status1 = deposit32(seeprom->status1, STATUS1_PREL, 1, 0);
+        break;
+    case FRZR:
+        SPI_DEBUG(qemu_log("Freeze Memory Protection Configuration "
+                                "FRZR(0x%x)\n", seeprom->opcode));
+        if ((extract8(seeprom->status0, STATUS0_WEL, 1) != 1) ||
+            (extract8(seeprom->status1, STATUS1_PREL, 1) != 1) ||
+            (extract8(seeprom->status1, STATUS1_FMPC, 1) == 1)) {
+            qemu_log_mask(LOG_GUEST_ERROR, "ignoring FRZR command\n");
+            break;
+        }
+        data_len = payload->len - data_offset;
+        /* Make sure data is at least 1 Byte */
+        if (data_len <= 0) {
+            qemu_log_mask(LOG_GUEST_ERROR, "Insufficient Data Bytes(%dB),"
+                             " should be at least 1 Byte\n", data_len);
+            break;
+        }
+        xfer_buffer_read_ptr(payload, &read_buf, data_offset, 0x1);
+        if (read_buf[0] == 0xD2) {
+            seeprom->status1 = deposit32(seeprom->status1,
+                                            STATUS1_FMPC, 1, 1);
+        } else {
+            qemu_log_mask(LOG_GUEST_ERROR, "Invalid Confirmation Data "
+                            "byte(0x%x), expecting 0xD2", read_buf[0]);
+        }
+        seeprom->status0 = deposit32(seeprom->status0, STATUS0_WEL, 1, 0);
+        seeprom->status1 = deposit32(seeprom->status1, STATUS1_PREL, 1, 0);
+        break;
+    case RDEX_CHLK:
+        SPI_DEBUG(qemu_log("OPCODE = (0x%x)\n", seeprom->opcode));
+        data_len = payload->len - data_offset;
+        /* Make sure data is at least 1 Byte */

byte not Byte -- everywhere

+        if (data_len <= 0) {
+            qemu_log_mask(LOG_GUEST_ERROR, "Insufficient Data Bytes(%dB),"
+                             " should be at least 1 Byte\n", data_len);
+            break;
+        }
+        buf = xfer_buffer_write_ptr(rsp_payload, data_offset, data_len);
+        if (extract8(seeprom->addr, 10, 1) == 0) {
+            /* RDEX */
+            seeprom->rd_state = ST_SEC_READ;
+            for (idx = 0; idx < data_len; idx++) {

Probably the same and IMO easier to follow:

sidx = seeprom->addr & 0x1ff;
if (sidx <= 0xff)
   buf[idx] = seeprom->dsn[sidx]
   buf[idx] = seeprom->uplid[sidx & 0xff];

+                if (extract32(seeprom->addr, 0, 9) <= 0xFF) {
+                    buf[idx] = seeprom->dsn[extract8(seeprom->addr, 0, 8)];
+                } else {
+                    buf[idx] = seeprom->uplid[extract8(seeprom->addr, 0, 8)];
+                }
+                seeprom->addr = deposit32(seeprom->addr, 0, 9,
+                                 ((extract32(seeprom->addr, 0, 9)) + 1));

I wonder what this is doing ...

seeprom->addr = (seeprom->addr & ~0x1ff) | ((seeprom->addr + 1) & 0x1ff)

+            }
+            if (last == 1) {
+                seeprom->rd_state = ST_IDLE;
+            } else {
+                /* CHLK */
+                if (seeprom->locked == true) {

if (seeprom->locked)

+                    buf[0] = 0x01;
+                } else {
+                    buf[0] = 0x00;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        break;
+    case WREX_LOCK:
+        SPI_DEBUG(qemu_log("OPCODE = (0x%x)\n", seeprom->opcode));
+        if (seeprom->locked == true) {

if (seeprom->locked)

+            qemu_log_mask(LOG_GUEST_ERROR, "Device is already Locked, "
+                            "command is ignored\n");
+            break;
+        }
+        if (extract8(seeprom->status0, STATUS0_WEL, 1) != 1) {
+            qemu_log_mask(LOG_GUEST_ERROR, "Device is not Write Enabled, "
+                            "command is ignored\n");
+            break;
+        }
+        data_len = payload->len - data_offset;
+        /* Make sure data is at least 1 Byte */
+        if (data_len <= 0) {
+            qemu_log_mask(LOG_GUEST_ERROR, "Insufficient Data Bytes(%dB),"
+                             " should be at least 1 Byte\n", data_len);
+            break;
+        }
+        xfer_buffer_read_ptr(payload, &read_buf, data_offset, data_len);
+        if (extract8(seeprom->addr, 10, 1) == 0) {

Can you add a comment why bit 10 must be 0?

+            /* WREX */
+            for (idx = 0; idx < data_len; idx++) {
+                seeprom->uplid[extract8(seeprom->addr, 0, 8)] = read_buf[idx];
+                /* Increase address with the page, and let it rool over */

you mean 'roll' over ? not sure what this means, though.

+                seeprom->addr = deposit32(seeprom->addr, 0, 8,
+                                 ((extract32(seeprom->addr, 0, 8)) + 1));

Are you just advancing the addr by '1' but then only modifying the lowest 9 bit and never touching bit 9?

+            }
+        } else {
+            /*
+             * LOCK (82h) instruction is clocked in on the  SI line, followed
+             * by a fake address where  bits A[23:0] are don't care bits with
+             * the exception that bit A10 must be set to 1. Finally, a
+             * confirmation data byte of xxxx_xx1xb  is  sent
+             */
+            if ((buf[0] & 0x02) == 0x2) {
+                seeprom->locked = true;
+            }
+        }
+        break;
+    default:
+        qemu_log_mask(LOG_GUEST_ERROR, "Invalid instruction(0x%x)\n",
+                        seeprom->opcode);
+    } /* end of switch */
+    return rsp_payload;
+} /* end of seeprom_spi_request */
+void seeprom_connect_controller(PnvSpiResponder *resp, const char *port)
+    PnvSpiSeeprom *seeprom = PNV_SPI_SEEPROM(resp);
+    seeprom->controller_connected = true;
+void seeprom_disconnect_controller(PnvSpiResponder *resp)
+    PnvSpiSeeprom *seeprom = PNV_SPI_SEEPROM(resp);
+    /* This method is invoked when Controller wants to deslect responder */

This method is called when the controller wants to deselect the responder

+    seeprom->controller_connected = false;
+    seeprom->rd_state = ST_IDLE; /* Reset Read state */
+    if (seeprom->opcode == WRITE) { /* Reset Write enable */
+        seeprom->status0 = deposit32(seeprom->status0, STATUS0_WEL, 1, 0);
+    }
+ * Method : compute_addr
+ * This method is used to compute address and data offset for supported
+ * opcodes and only invoked when a valid new command sequence starts aka
+ * first is 1.
+ */
+bool compute_addr(PnvSpiSeeprom *seeprom, xfer_buffer *req_payload,
+                  xfer_buffer *rsp_payload, int bits, uint32_t  *data_offset)

remove additional space: uint32_t *data_offset

+    bool addr_wr_protected = false;
+    uint8_t *read_buf = NULL;
+    *data_offset = 0;

move below variable declarations

+    bool failed = false;
+    xfer_buffer_read_ptr(req_payload, &read_buf, 1, 3);
+    switch (seeprom->opcode) {
+    case READ:
+    case WRITE:
+        SPI_DEBUG(qemu_log("Compute address and payload buffer data offset "
+                  "for %s\n", (seeprom->opcode == READ) ? "READ" : "WRITE"));
+        /* command size is 4 bytes for READ/WRITE, data_offset is 4 */
+        *data_offset = 4;
+        /* Make sure buffer length is at least 4 Bytes */
+        if (req_payload->len >= 4) {
+            /*
+             * Fetch address from size 24 bit from offset 1,2,3 of payload
+             * and mask of higher 5 bits as valid memory array size is 512KB
+             */
+            seeprom->addr = deposit32(seeprom->addr, 0, 8, read_buf[2]);
+            seeprom->addr = deposit32(seeprom->addr, 8, 8, read_buf[1]);
+            seeprom->addr = deposit32(seeprom->addr, 16, 8,
+                            (read_buf[0] & 0x7));

seeprom->addr = ((read_buf[0] & 7) << 16) | (read_buf[1] << 8) | read_buf[2];

+        } else {
+            qemu_log_mask(LOG_GUEST_ERROR, "Payload_len(0x%x) should be at "
+                          "least 4Bytes to fetch Address\n", req_payload->len);
+            failed = true;
+        }
+        if (seeprom->opcode == WRITE) {
+            addr_wr_protected = validate_addr(seeprom);
+            if (addr_wr_protected) {
+                qemu_log_mask(LOG_GUEST_ERROR, "SEEPROM Address(0x%x) is Write 
+                              "protected\n", seeprom->addr);
+                failed = true;
+            }
+        }
+        break;
+    case RDSR:
+    case WRBP:
+    case WRSR:
+    case SPID:
+        /*
+         * command size is 1 bytes for RDSR, WRBP, WRSR, SPID. So data_offset
+         * is 1
+         */
+        *data_offset = 1;
+        break;
+    case RMPR:
+    case WMPR:
+        SPI_DEBUG(qemu_log("Compute MPR address for %s MPR\n",
+                  (seeprom->opcode == RMPR) ? "READ" : "WRITE"));
+        /* command size is 4 bytes for WMPR/RMPR, data_offset is 4 */
+        *data_offset = 4;
+        /* Make sure buffer length is at least 4 Bytes */
+        if (req_payload->len >= 4) {
+            /*
+             * The address for each Memory Partition register is embedded into
+             * the first address byte sent to the device,in bit positions A18
+             * through A16.
+             */
+            seeprom->addr = deposit32(seeprom->addr, 0, 15, 0);
+            seeprom->addr = deposit32(seeprom->addr, 16, 8,
+                                    (read_buf[0] & 0x7));

Imo the following would be better to read and understand:

seeprom->addr = (read_buf[0] & 7) << 16;

+        } else {
+            qemu_log_mask(LOG_GUEST_ERROR, "Payload_len(0x%x) should be at "
+                          "least 4Bytes to fetch Address\n", req_payload->len);
+            failed = true;
+        }
+        break;
+    case PPAB:
+    case FRZR:
+        SPI_DEBUG(qemu_log("Validate if addr[15:0] is %s\n",
+                  (seeprom->opcode == PPAB) ? "0xCCFF for PPAB" :
+                                               "0xAA40 for FRZR"));
+        /* command size is 4 bytes for PPAB/FRZR, data_offset is 4 */
+        *data_offset = 4;
+        /* Make sure buffer length is at least 4 Bytes */
+        if (req_payload->len >= 4) {
+            /* Address bits A23-A16 are ignored. */
+            seeprom->addr = deposit32(seeprom->addr, 0, 8, read_buf[2]);
+            seeprom->addr = deposit32(seeprom->addr, 8, 8, read_buf[1]);
+            seeprom->addr = deposit32(seeprom->addr, 16, 8, 0);

seeprom->addr = (read_buf[1] << 8) | read_buf[2];

+        } else {
+            qemu_log_mask(LOG_GUEST_ERROR, "Payload_len(0x%x) should be at "
+                          "least 4Bytes to fetch Address\n", req_payload->len);
+            failed = true;
+            break;
+        }
+        /* Address bits A15-A0 must be set to CC55h. */
+        if ((seeprom->opcode == PPAB) &&
+            (extract32(seeprom->addr, 0, 15) != 0xCC55)) {
+            qemu_log_mask(LOG_GUEST_ERROR, "Invalid addr[15:0] = 0x%x sent for 
+                          "PPAB\n", extract32(seeprom->addr, 0, 15));
+            failed = true;
+        }
+        /* Address bits A15-A0 must be set to AA40h. */
+        if ((seeprom->opcode == FRZR) &&
+            (extract32(seeprom->addr, 0, 15) != 0xAA40)) {
+            qemu_log_mask(LOG_GUEST_ERROR, "Invalid addr[15:0] = 0x%x sent for 
+                          "FRZR\n", extract32(seeprom->addr, 0, 15));
+            failed = true;
+        }
+        break;
+    case RDEX_CHLK:
+    case WREX_LOCK:
+        SPI_DEBUG(qemu_log("Compute Address for Security reg command\n"));
+        /* command size is 4 bytes for PPAB/FRZR, data_offset is 4 */
+        *data_offset = 4;
+        /* Make sure buffer length is at least 4 Bytes */
+        if (req_payload->len >= 4) {
+            /*
+             * RDEX : A[23:9] are don't care bits, except A10 which must be a
+             *        logic 0.
+             * WREX : A[23:9] are don't care bits, except A10 which must be a
+             *        logic 0 and A8 which must be a logic 1 to address the
+             *        second Security register byte that is user programmable.
+             * CHLK : A[23:0] are don't care bits, except A10 which must be a
+             *        logic 1.
+             * LOCK : A[23:0] are don't care bits, except A10 which must be a
+             *        logic 1.
+             */
+            seeprom->addr = deposit32(seeprom->addr, 0, 8, read_buf[2]);
+            seeprom->addr = deposit32(seeprom->addr, 8, 8,
+                                    (read_buf[1] & 0x05));
+            seeprom->addr = deposit32(seeprom->addr, 16, 8, 0);

seeprom->addr = ((read_buf[1] & 0x5) << 8) | read_buf[2];

+            SPI_DEBUG(qemu_log("Received Command %s\n",
+                      (seeprom->opcode == RDEX_CHLK)
+                       ? (extract32(seeprom->addr, 10, 1) ?
+                          "CHLK : Check Lock Status of Security Register" :
+                          "RDEX : Read from the Security Register")
+                       : (extract32(seeprom->addr, 10, 1) ?
+                          "LOCK : Lock the Security Register (permanent)" :
+                          "WREX : Write to the Security Register")));
+        } else {
+            qemu_log_mask(LOG_GUEST_ERROR, "Payload_len(0x%x) should be at "
+                          "least 4Bytes to fetch Address\n", req_payload->len);
+            failed = true;
+        }
+        if ((seeprom->opcode == WREX_LOCK) &&
+            (extract32(seeprom->addr, 10, 1) == 0)) {
+            /*
+             * WREX
+             * In Legacy Write Protection mode, the Security register is
+             * write-protected when the BP <1:0> bits (bits 3-2 byte0) of
+             * the STATUS register = 11.
+             */
+            if (extract8(seeprom->status1, STATUS1_WPM, 1) == 0) {
+                addr_wr_protected = validate_addr(seeprom);
+            } else {
+                if (extract32(seeprom->addr, 0, 9) <= 0xFF) {
+                    addr_wr_protected = true;
+                }
+            }
+            if (addr_wr_protected) {
+                qemu_log_mask(LOG_GUEST_ERROR, "SEEPROM Address(0x%x) is "
+                              "Write protected\n", seeprom->addr);
+                failed = true;
+            }
+        }
+        break;
+    } /* end of switch */
+    return failed;
+} /* end of method compute_addr */
+ * Method : validate_addr
+ * This method validates whether SEEPROM address is write protected or not
+ */
+bool validate_addr(PnvSpiSeeprom *seeprom)
+    bool addr_wr_protected = false;
+    uint8_t mpr_idx = 0;
+    if (extract8(seeprom->status1, STATUS1_WPM, 1) == 1) {
+        /*
+         * enhanced write protection
+         * Memory partition register Bit5  through  bit0 contain the Partition
+         * Endpoint Address of A18:A13, where A12:A0 are a logic "1". For
+         * example, if the first partition of the memory array is desired to
+         * stop after 128-Kbit of memory, that end point address is 03FFFh. The
+         * corresponding A18:A13 address bits to be loaded into MPR0 are
+         * therefore 000001b. The eight MPRs are each decoded sequentially by
+         * the device, starting with MPR0. Each MPR should be set to a
+         * Partition Endpoint Address greater than the ending address of the
+         * previous MPR. If a higher order MPR sets a Partition Endpoint 
+         * less than or equal to the ending address of a lower order MPR, that
+         * higher order MPR is ignored and no protection is set by it's
+         * contents.
+         */
+        for (mpr_idx = 0; mpr_idx < 8; mpr_idx++) {
+            if ((extract32(seeprom->addr, 13, 6)) <=
+                (extract8(seeprom->mpr[mpr_idx], MPR_PEA, 1))) {
+                switch (extract8(seeprom->mpr[mpr_idx], MPR_PB, 1)) {

Don't you have to extract 2 bits for the case values 0..3 below?

+                case 0:
+                    /*
+                     * 0b00 = Partition is open and writing is permitted
+                     * (factory default is unprotected).
+                     */
+                    addr_wr_protected = false;
+                    break;
+                case 1:
+                    /*
+                     * 0b01 = Partition is always write-protected but can be
+                     * reversed at a later time (software write-protected).
+                     */
+                    addr_wr_protected = true;
+                    break;
+                case 2:
+                    /*
+                     * 0b10 = Partition is write-protected only when WP pin is
+                     * asserted (hardware write-protected).
+                     */
+                    addr_wr_protected = false;
+                    break;
+                case 3:
+                    /*
+                     * 0b11 = Partition is software write-protected and Memory
+                     * Partition register is permanently locked.
+                     */
+                    addr_wr_protected = true;
+                    break;
+                } /* end of switch */
+                break; /* break from for loop. */
+            }
+        } /* end of for loop */
+    } else {
+        /* Legacy write protection mode */
+        switch (extract8(seeprom->status0, STATUS0_BP, 2)) {

2 bits extracted -- good

+        case 0:
+            /*
+             * 0b00 = No array write protection
+             * EEPROM None
+             * Security Register 00000h - 000FFh
+             */
+            if ((seeprom->opcode == WREX_LOCK) &&
+                (extract32(seeprom->addr, 0, 9)  <= 0xFF)) {
+                addr_wr_protected = true;
+            }
+            break;
+        case 1:
+            /*
+             * 0b01 = Upper quarter memory array protection
+             * EEPROM 60000h - 7FFFFh
+             * Security Register 00000h - 000FFh
+             */
+            if ((seeprom->opcode == WREX_LOCK) &&
+                (extract32(seeprom->addr, 0, 9)  <= 0xFF)) {
+                addr_wr_protected = true;
+            } else if ((seeprom->opcode == WRITE) &&
+                       (extract32(seeprom->addr, 0, 19)  <= 0x60000)) {
+                addr_wr_protected = true;
+            }
+            break;
+        case 2:
+            /*
+             * 0b10 = Upper half memory array protection
+             * EEPROM 40000h - 7FFFFh
+             * Security Register 00000h - 000FFh
+             */
+            if ((seeprom->opcode == WREX_LOCK) &&
+                (extract32(seeprom->addr, 0, 9)  <= 0xFF)) {
+                addr_wr_protected = true;
+            } else if ((seeprom->opcode == WRITE) &&
+                       (extract32(seeprom->addr, 0, 19)  <= 0x40000)) {
+                addr_wr_protected = true;
+            }
+            break;
+        case 3:
+            /*
+             * 0b11 = Entire memory array protection
+             * EEPROM 00000h - 7FFFFh
+             * Security Register 00000h - 001FFh
+             */
+            addr_wr_protected = true;
+            break;
+        } /* end of switch */
+    }
+    return addr_wr_protected;
+} /* end of validate_addr */
+static void pnv_spi_seeprom_class_init(ObjectClass *klass, void *data)
+    DeviceClass *dc = DEVICE_CLASS(klass);
+    PnvSpiResponderClass *resp_class = PNV_SPI_RESPONDER_CLASS(klass);
+    resp_class->connect_controller = seeprom_connect_controller;
+    resp_class->disconnect_controller = seeprom_disconnect_controller;
+    resp_class->request = seeprom_spi_request;
+    dc->desc = "PowerNV SPI SEEPROM";
+    dc->bus_type = TYPE_SPI_BUS;
+static const TypeInfo pnv_spi_seeprom_info = {
+    .name          = TYPE_PNV_SPI_SEEPROM,
+    .parent        = TYPE_PNV_SPI_RESPONDER,
+    .instance_size = sizeof(PnvSpiSeeprom),
+    .class_init    = pnv_spi_seeprom_class_init,
+static void pnv_spi_seeprom_register_types(void)
+    type_register_static(&pnv_spi_seeprom_info);
diff --git a/hw/ppc/meson.build b/hw/ppc/meson.build
index de25cac763..2c1ef0c937 100644
--- a/hw/ppc/meson.build
+++ b/hw/ppc/meson.build
@@ -55,6 +55,7 @@ ppc_ss.add(when: 'CONFIG_POWERNV', if_true: files(
+  'pnv_spi_seeprom.c',
  # PowerPC 4xx boards
  ppc_ss.add(when: 'CONFIG_PPC405', if_true: files(

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