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Re: [PATCH v2 1/3] qtest: migration: Enhance qtest migration functions t

From: Het Gala
Subject: Re: [PATCH v2 1/3] qtest: migration: Enhance qtest migration functions to support 'channels' argument
Date: Sat, 24 Feb 2024 21:24:38 +0530
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird

On 24/02/24 6:18 pm, Het Gala wrote:

On 24/02/24 1:42 am, Fabiano Rosas wrote:
Het Gala <het.gala@nutanix.com> writes:

Introduce support for adding a 'channels' argument to migrate_qmp_fail,
migrate_incoming_qmp and migrate_qmp functions within the migration qtest
framework, enabling enhanced control over migration scenarios.

Write the test like this:

  static void test_multifd_tcp_none_channels(void)
      MigrateCommon args = {
          .listen_uri = "defer",
          .start_hook = test_migrate_precopy_tcp_multifd_start,
          .live = true,
          .connect_channels = "'channels': [ { 'channel-type': 'main',"
                              "      'addr': { 'transport': 'socket',"
                              "                'type': 'inet',"
                              "                'host': '',"
                              "                'port': '0' } } ]",
          .connect_uri = NULL;

this was the same first approach that I attempted. It won't work because

The final 'migrate' QAPI with channels string would look like

{ "execute": "migrate", "arguments": { "channels": "[ { "channel-type": "main", "addr": { "transport": "socket", "type": "inet", "host": "", "port": "4000" }, "multifd-channels": 2 } ]" } }

Sorry, In your example given above, the output looks like :

{"execute": "migrate", "arguments": {"uri": "tcp:", "channels": "'channels': [ { 'channel-type': 'main',      'addr': { 'transport': 'socket',                'type': 'inet',                'host': '',                'port': '0' } } ]"}}

instead of

{ "execute": "migrate", "arguments": { "channels": [ { "channel-type": "main", "addr": { "transport": "socket", "type": "inet", "host": "", "port": "4000" }, "multifd-channels": 2 } ] } }

It would complain, that channels should be an array and not a string.

because of "channels": "'channels': [ { 'channel-type': ....


Het Gala


Het Gala

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