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Re: [RFC PATCH 1/5] cxl/core: correct length of DPA field masks

From: Shiyang Ruan
Subject: Re: [RFC PATCH 1/5] cxl/core: correct length of DPA field masks
Date: Mon, 19 Feb 2024 18:49:50 +0800
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird

在 2024/2/10 14:34, Dan Williams 写道:
Shiyang Ruan wrote:
The length of Physical Address in General Media Event Record/DRAM Event
Record is 64-bit, so the field mask should be defined as such length.
Can you include this user visible side-effect of this change. Looks like
this could cause usages of CXL_DPA_FLAGS_MASK to return an incorrect
Ok.  Will change it to this:

The length of Physical Address in General Media Event Record/DRAM Event Record is 64bit, per CXL Spec r3.0 -, Table 8-43. Currently CXL_DPA_FLAGS_MASK is defined as int (32bit), then CXL_DPA_MASK is a int too, it will be 0x00000000FFFFFFC0 while using "->dpa & CXL_DPA_MASK" to obtain real physical address (to drop flags in lower bits), in this case the higher 32bit of ->dpa will be lost.
To avoid this, define CXL_DPA_FLAGS_MASK as 64bit: 0x3FULL.


Signed-off-by: Shiyang Ruan <ruansy.fnst@fujitsu.com>
  drivers/cxl/core/trace.h | 6 +++---
  1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

diff --git a/drivers/cxl/core/trace.h b/drivers/cxl/core/trace.h
index 89445435303a..388a87d972c2 100644
--- a/drivers/cxl/core/trace.h
+++ b/drivers/cxl/core/trace.h
@@ -253,11 +253,11 @@ TRACE_EVENT(cxl_generic_event,
   * DRAM Event Record
   * CXL rev 3.0 section; Table 8-44
-#define CXL_DPA_FLAGS_MASK                     0x3F
+#define CXL_DPA_FLAGS_MASK                     0x3FULL
  #define CXL_DPA_MASK                          (~CXL_DPA_FLAGS_MASK)
-#define CXL_DPA_NOT_REPAIRABLE                 BIT(1)
+#define CXL_DPA_VOLATILE                       BIT_ULL(0)
+#define CXL_DPA_NOT_REPAIRABLE                 BIT_ULL(1)
  #define show_dpa_flags(flags) __print_flags(flags, "|",                \
        { CXL_DPA_VOLATILE,                     "VOLATILE"            }, \
        { CXL_DPA_NOT_REPAIRABLE,               "NOT_REPAIRABLE"      }  \

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