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Re: PCIe: SLT attribute mismatch: 0xFF020100 instead of 0x20100

From: Philippe Mathieu-Daudé
Subject: Re: PCIe: SLT attribute mismatch: 0xFF020100 instead of 0x20100
Date: Tue, 29 Aug 2023 16:04:27 +0200
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On 29/8/23 15:48, Michael S. Tsirkin wrote:
On Tue, Aug 29, 2023 at 02:14:51PM +0100, Peter Maydell wrote:
On Tue, 29 Aug 2023 at 12:40, Marcin Juszkiewicz
<marcin.juszkiewicz@linaro.org> wrote:

I am working on aarch64/sbsa-ref machine so people can have virtual
machine to test their OS against something reminding standards compliant

One of tools I use is BSA ACS (Base System Architecture - Architecture
Compliance Suite) [1] written by Arm. It runs set of tests to check does
system conforms to BSA specification.

1. https://github.com/ARM-software/bsa-acs

SBSA-ref goes better and better, yet still we have some issues. One of
them is test 822 ("Check Type 1 config header rules") which fails on
each PCIe root port device:

BDF 0x400 : SLT attribute mismatch: 0xFF020100 instead of 0x20100
BDF 0x500 : SLT attribute mismatch: 0xFF030300 instead of 0x30300
BDF 0x600 : SLT attribute mismatch: 0xFF040400 instead of 0x40400

I reported it as an issue [2] and got response that it may be QEMU
fault. My pcie knowledge is not good enough to know where the problem is.

2. https://github.com/ARM-software/bsa-acs/issues/193

In the comment Gowtham Siddarth wrote:

Regarding the SLT (Secondary Latency Timer) register, the expected
values align with the ACS specifications, registering as 0. However,
a discrepancy arises in the register's attribute, intended to be set
as Read-Only. Contrary to this intent, the bit field seems to
function as> Read-Write. Ordinarily, when attempting to write to the
register by configuring all bits to 1, the anticipated behaviour
should involve rejecting the write operation, maintaining the value
at 0 to uphold the register's designated Read-Only nature. However,
in this scenario, the write action takes effect, leading to a
transformation of the register's value to FFs. This anomaly could
potentially stem from an issue within the emulator.

Does someone know where the problem may be? And how to fix it?

I don't know enough about PCI to be sure here, but it sounds like
what you're saying is happening is that the test case writes all-1s
to some PCI register for the root port device, and expects that where
some bits in it are defined in the spec as read-only they don't get set?

Which registers exactly is the test case trying to write in this way ?

I've cc'd the QEMU PCI maintainers.

-- PMM

yes, this is a bug.

static void pci_init_mask_bridge(PCIDevice *d)
     memset(d->wmask + PCI_PRIMARY_BUS, 0xff, 4);

note there's a typo: PCI_SEC_LETENCY_TIMER should be

But the express spec says:
        This register does not apply to PCI Express. It must be read-only and 
hardwired to 00h. For PCI Express to PCI/PCI-X
        Bridges, refer to the [PCIe-to-PCI-PCI-X-Bridge] for requirements for 
this register.

So, only for the pci express to pci express bridges, and only for new
machine types, we need to override the mask to 0:

        d->wmask[PCI_SEC_LATENCY_TIMER] = 0;

Ah right. So smth like:

-- >8 --
diff --git a/hw/pci/pci.c b/hw/pci/pci.c
index 881d774fb6..c73de617e0 100644
--- a/hw/pci/pci.c
+++ b/hw/pci/pci.c
@@ -1241,2 +1241,5 @@ static PCIDevice *do_pci_register_device(PCIDevice *pci_dev,
+        if (pci_is_express(pci_dev)) {
+            pci_set_byte(d->wmask + PCI_SEC_LATENCY_TIMER, 0);
+        }


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