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Re: [PATCH v3 0/3] qmp,vhost-user: Remove virtio_list & update virtio in

From: Michael S. Tsirkin
Subject: Re: [PATCH v3 0/3] qmp,vhost-user: Remove virtio_list & update virtio introspection
Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2023 15:50:42 -0400

On Thu, Aug 03, 2023 at 10:54:57AM -0400, Jonah Palmer wrote:
> These patches update a few things related to virtio introspection via.
> QMP/HMP commands.
> 1. Remove 'virtio_list' and instead query the QOM composition tree to
> find any active & realized virtio devices.
> The 'virtio_list' was duplicating information about virtio devices that
> was already available in the QOM composition tree, so there was no need
> to keep this list.
> 2. Add new transport, protocol, and device features as well as support
> to introspect vhost-user-gpio devices.
> Vhost-user-gpio previously had no support for introspection. Support for
> introspecting its vhost-user device is now available in these patches.
> 3. Move VhostUserProtocolFeature definition to its corresponding header
> file (vhost-user.h). Cleanup previous definitions in other files.
> VhostUserProtocolFeature was being defined in 3 separate files. Instead
> of 3 separate definitions, use one instead and add it to the
> vhost-user.h header file.
> New virtio transport feature:
> -----------------------------
> New vhost-user protocol feature:
> --------------------------------
> New virtio device features:
> ---------------------------
> virtio-blk:
> virtio-net:
> virtio/vhost-user-gpio:

VHOST_F_LOG_ALL likely does not make sense.

> v3: use recursion and type casting to find realized virtio devices
>     remove virtio scmi & bluetooth feature mappings
>     revert virtio scmi & bluetooth case changes in qmp_decode_features
>     change config define for VIRTIO_GPIO to CONFIG_VHOST_USER_GPIO
>     move VhostUserProtocolFeature definition to header file
> v2: verify virtio devices via. 'TYPE_VIRTIO_DEVICES'
>     verify path is a virtio device before checking if it's realized
>     remove 'VIRTIO_BLK_F_ZONED' update (already exists)
>     add cover letter
> Jonah Palmer (3):
>   qmp: remove virtio_list, search QOM tree instead
>   qmp: update virtio feature maps, vhost-user-gpio introspection
>   vhost-user: move VhostUserProtocolFeature definition to header file
>  hw/scsi/vhost-user-scsi.c      |   4 -
>  hw/virtio/vhost-user-gpio.c    |   7 ++
>  hw/virtio/vhost-user.c         |  21 -----
>  hw/virtio/virtio-qmp.c         | 154 ++++++++++++++++-----------------
>  hw/virtio/virtio-qmp.h         |   7 --
>  hw/virtio/virtio.c             |   6 --
>  include/hw/virtio/vhost-user.h |  21 +++++
>  7 files changed, 105 insertions(+), 115 deletions(-)
> -- 
> 2.39.3

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