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Re: [PATCH v5 11/19] target/riscv/cpu: add misa_ext_info_arr[]

From: Philippe Mathieu-Daudé
Subject: Re: [PATCH v5 11/19] target/riscv/cpu: add misa_ext_info_arr[]
Date: Tue, 27 Jun 2023 23:29:54 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.15; rv:102.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/102.12.0

On 27/6/23 18:31, Daniel Henrique Barboza wrote:
Next patch will add KVM specific user properties for both MISA and
multi-letter extensions. For MISA extensions we want to make use of what
is already available in misa_ext_cfgs[] to avoid code repetition.

misa_ext_info_arr[] array will hold name and description for each MISA
extension that misa_ext_cfgs[] is declaring. We'll then use this new
array in KVM code to avoid duplicating strings.

There's nothing holding us back from doing the same with multi-letter
extensions. For now doing just with MISA extensions is enough.

Suggested-by: Andrew Jones <ajones@ventanamicro.com>
Signed-off-by: Daniel Henrique Barboza <dbarboza@ventanamicro.com>
Reviewed-by: Andrew Jones <ajones@ventanamicro.com>
  target/riscv/cpu.c | 60 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------
  target/riscv/cpu.h | 11 ++++++++-
  2 files changed, 44 insertions(+), 27 deletions(-)

+const MISAExtInfo misa_ext_info_arr[] = {
+    [RVA] = {"a", "Atomic instructions"},
+    [RVC] = {"c", "Compressed instructions"},
+    [RVD] = {"d", "Double-precision float point"},
+    [RVF] = {"f", "Single-precision float point"},
+    [RVI] = {"i", "Base integer instruction set"},
+    [RVE] = {"e", "Base integer instruction set (embedded)"},
+    [RVM] = {"m", "Integer multiplication and division"},
+    [RVS] = {"s", "Supervisor-level instructions"},
+    [RVU] = {"u", "User-level instructions"},
+    [RVH] = {"h", "Hypervisor"},
+    [RVJ] = {"x-j", "Dynamic translated languages"},
+    [RVV] = {"v", "Vector operations"},
+    [RVG] = {"g", "General purpose (IMAFD_Zicsr_Zifencei)"},
Personally I prefer using a getter() helper because we can check in
a single place for empty entries in the array.

IIUC this 13-entries array takes 4MiB (RVV is '1<<21' = 2MiB).

Wouldn't it be clever to index by [a-z]? Except "x-j"...

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