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Re: [PATCH 1/3] qemu-img: Add checksum command

From: Nir Soffer
Subject: Re: [PATCH 1/3] qemu-img: Add checksum command
Date: Sun, 30 Oct 2022 19:37:54 +0200

On Wed, Oct 26, 2022 at 4:00 PM Hanna Reitz <hreitz@redhat.com> wrote:
On 01.09.22 16:32, Nir Soffer wrote:
> The checksum command compute a checksum for disk image content using the
> blkhash library[1]. The blkhash library is not packaged yet, but it is
> available via copr[2].
> Example run:
>      $ ./qemu-img checksum -p fedora-35.qcow2
>      6e5c00c995056319d52395f8d91c7f84725ae3da69ffcba4de4c7d22cff713a5  fedora-35.qcow2
> The block checksum is constructed by splitting the image to fixed sized
> blocks and computing a digest of every block. The image checksum is the
> digest of the all block digests.
> The checksum uses internally the "sha256" algorithm but it cannot be
> compared with checksums created by other tools such as `sha256sum`.
> The blkhash library supports sparse images, zero detection, and
> optimizes zero block hashing (they are practically free). The library
> uses multiple threads to speed up the computation.
> Comparing to `sha256sum`, `qemu-img checksum` is 3.5-4800[3] times
> faster, depending on the amount of data in the image:
>      $ ./qemu-img info /scratch/50p.raw
>      file format: raw
>      virtual size: 6 GiB (6442450944 bytes)
>      disk size: 2.91 GiB
>      $ hyperfine -w2 -r5 -p "sleep 1" "./qemu-img checksum /scratch/50p.raw" \
>                                       "sha256sum /scratch/50p.raw"
>      Benchmark 1: ./qemu-img checksum /scratch/50p.raw
>        Time (mean ± σ):      1.849 s ±  0.037 s    [User: 7.764 s, System: 0.962 s]
>        Range (min … max):    1.813 s …  1.908 s    5 runs
>      Benchmark 2: sha256sum /scratch/50p.raw
>        Time (mean ± σ):     14.585 s ±  0.072 s    [User: 13.537 s, System: 1.003 s]
>        Range (min … max):   14.501 s … 14.697 s    5 runs
>      Summary
>        './qemu-img checksum /scratch/50p.raw' ran
>          7.89 ± 0.16 times faster than 'sha256sum /scratch/50p.raw'
> The new command is available only when `blkhash` is available during
> build. To test the new command please install the `blkhash-devel`
> package:
>      $ dnf copr enable nsoffer/blkhash
>      $ sudo dnf install blkhash-devel
> [1] https://gitlab.com/nirs/blkhash
> [2] https://copr.fedorainfracloud.org/coprs/nsoffer/blkhash/
> [3] Computing checksum for 8T empty image: qemu-img checksum: 3.7s,
>      sha256sum (estimate): 17,749s
> Signed-off-by: Nir Soffer <nsoffer@redhat.com>
> ---
>   docs/tools/qemu-img.rst |  22 +++++
>   meson.build             |  10 ++-
>   meson_options.txt       |   2 +
>   qemu-img-cmds.hx        |   8 ++
>   qemu-img.c              | 191 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
>   5 files changed, 232 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
> diff --git a/docs/tools/qemu-img.rst b/docs/tools/qemu-img.rst
> index 85a6e05b35..8be9c45cbf 100644
> --- a/docs/tools/qemu-img.rst
> +++ b/docs/tools/qemu-img.rst
> @@ -347,20 +347,42 @@ Command description:
>       Check completed, image is corrupted
>     3
>       Check completed, image has leaked clusters, but is not corrupted
>     63
>       Checks are not supported by the image format
>     If ``-r`` is specified, exit codes representing the image state refer to the
>     state after (the attempt at) repairing it. That is, a successful ``-r all``
>     will yield the exit code 0, independently of the image state before.
> +.. option:: checksum [--object OBJECTDEF] [--image-opts] [-f FMT] [-T SRC_CACHE] [-p] FILENAME
> +
> +  Print a checksum for image *FILENAME* guest visible content.

Why not say which kind of checksum it is?

Do you mean the algorithm used? This may be confusing, for example we write

   Print a sha256 checksum ...

User will expect to get the same result from "sha256sum disk.img". How about

   Print a blkhash checksum ...

And add a link to the blkhash project?

>                                                                  Images with
> +  different format or settings wil have the same checksum.



> +
> +  The format is probed unless you specify it by ``-f``.
> +
> +  The checksum is computed for guest visible content. Allocated areas full of
> +  zeroes, zero clusters, and unallocated areas are read as zeros so they will
> +  have the same checksum. Images with single or multiple files or backing files
> +  will have the same checksums if the guest will see the same content when
> +  reading the image.
> +
> +  Image metadata that is not visible to the guest such as dirty bitmaps does
> +  not affect the checksum.
> +
> +  Computing a checksum requires a read-only image. You cannot compute a
> +  checksum of an active image used by a guest,

Makes me ask: Why not?  Other subcommands have the -U flag for this.

The text is not precise enough, the issue is not active image but having a read only

What we really want is to take a shared read lock on the image when opening it to ensure
that qemu or another instance of qemu-img is not holding a write lock and cannot upgrade
a read lock to write lock on this image.

If the image can be changed while we read from it there is no point in computing
a checksum.

If the -U/--force-share flag has these semantics we can add it, but based on testing it
works for images open for writing (e.g. qemu-img info, qemu-img measure).

>                                                  but you can compute a checksum
> +  of a guest during pull mode incremental backup using NBD URL.
> +
> +  The checksum is not compatible with other tools such as *sha256sum*.

Why not?  I can see it differs even for raw images, but why?  I would
have very much assumed that this gives me exactly what sha256sum in the
guest on the guest device would yield.

The blkhash is a construction based on other cryptographic hash functions (e.g. sha256).
The way the hash is constructed is explained here:

We can provide a very slow version using a single thread and no zero optimization
that will create the same hash as sha256sum for raw image. I don't think this is very
interesting since it is not practical for large images. If we want something like this,
we can add it later when we add an option to configure the algorithm.

We can also start with a slow version using available hash function and enable
blkhash only if the library is available in build time.


> diff --git a/qemu-img.c b/qemu-img.c
> index 7d4b33b3da..7edcfe4bc8 100644
> --- a/qemu-img.c
> +++ b/qemu-img.c
> @@ -17,20 +17,21 @@
>    */
>   #include "qemu/osdep.h"
>   #include <getopt.h>
> +#include <blkhash.h>

This must be guarded by CONFIG_BLKHASH.

> +/*
> + * Compute image checksum.
> + */
> +static int img_checksum(int argc, char **argv)
> +{
> +    const char *digest_name = "sha256";

Why don’t we make this configurable?

We can, but this is not easy:
- which hash functions should be supported?
- how to encode the algorithm used in the hash function?

The blksum tool (part of blkhash) has a --digest and --list-digests options and
can use any hash function supported by openssl. Currently it does not include
the algorithm, in the result, so the user has to know 2 values to compare hashes
of different images.

If we don't support configuration, all these issues are gone, and the tool is
easier and safer to use.

If we want to make this configurable, I think we need to include the algorithm 
in the result, something like:

    $ qemu-img checksum disk.img
    blk-sha256:9b3d2f329b8e1a3a10ac623efa163c12e953dbb5192825b4772dcf0f8905e1b1  disk.img

    $ qemu-img checksum --digest sha1 disk.img
    blk-sha1:6d7e6d55bed36e733bf50127d151f8af7bb5077f  disk.img

Or if we want to support standard checksums, maybe:

    $ qemu-img checksum --digest sha256 disk.img
    sha256:49bc20df15e412a64472421e13fe86ff1c5165e18b2afccf160d4dc19fe68a14  disk.img

    $ qemu-img checksum --digest blk-sha256 disk.img
    blk-sha256:9b3d2f329b8e1a3a10ac623efa163c12e953dbb5192825b4772dcf0f8905e1b1  disk.img

> +    const size_t block_size = 64 * KiB;
> +
> +    const char *format = NULL;
> +    const char *cache = BDRV_DEFAULT_CACHE;
> +    const char *filename;
> +    BlockBackend *blk;
> +    BlockDriverState *bs;
> +    uint8_t *buf = NULL;
> +    int64_t pnum;
> +    bool progress = false;
> +    int flags = 0;
> +    bool writethrough;
> +    int64_t total_size;
> +    int64_t offset = 0;
> +    int c;
> +    bool image_opts = false;
> +    struct blkhash *h = NULL;
> +    unsigned char digest[64];
> +    unsigned int digest_len;
> +    int ret = 1;
> +    int err;
> +
> +    for (;;) {
> +        static const struct option long_options[] = {
> +            {"help", no_argument, 0, 'h'},
> +            {"object", required_argument, 0, OPTION_OBJECT},
> +            {"image-opts", no_argument, 0, OPTION_IMAGE_OPTS},
> +            {0, 0, 0, 0}
> +        };
> +        c = getopt_long(argc, argv, ":hf:T:p",
> +                        long_options, NULL);
> +        if (c == -1) {
> +            break;
> +        }
> +        switch (c) {
> +        case ':':
> +            missing_argument(argv[optind - 1]);
> +            break;
> +        case '?':
> +            unrecognized_option(argv[optind - 1]);
> +            break;
> +        case 'h':
> +            help();
> +            break;
> +        case 'f':
> +            format = optarg;
> +            break;
> +        case 'T':
> +            cache = optarg;
> +            break;
> +        case 'p':
> +            progress = true;
> +            break;
> +        case OPTION_OBJECT:
> +            {
> +                Error *local_err = NULL;
> +
> +                if (!user_creatable_add_from_str(optarg, &local_err)) {
> +                    if (local_err) {
> +                        error_report_err(local_err);
> +                        exit(2);
> +                    } else {
> +                        /* Help was printed */
> +                        exit(EXIT_SUCCESS);
> +                    }
> +                }

How about simply using user_creatable_process_cmdline(optarg)? (which
most other subcommands use)

(I believe img_compare() has to have its own code, because exit code 1
is reserved there.  But that isn’t a concern here.)

Sure I can use it, I did not know about this.

> +                break;
> +            }
> +        case OPTION_IMAGE_OPTS:
> +            image_opts = true;
> +            break;
> +        }
> +    }
> +
> +    if (optind != argc - 1) {
> +        error_exit("Expecting image file name");
> +    }
> +
> +    filename = argv[optind++];
> +
> +    err = bdrv_parse_cache_mode(cache, &flags, &writethrough);
> +    if (err < 0) {
> +        error_report("Invalid source cache option: %s", cache);
> +        return ret;

Personally, I’m not too big of a fan of using `ret` here, because it was
set so far above.  Why not just `return 1;`?

(Same in other error cases below.)

ret is set at the start to error value (1) and modified to 0 only if everything
completed successfully.  This way we can return the same value in all
the exit paths.

> +    }
> +
> +    blk = img_open(image_opts, filename, format, flags, writethrough, false,
> +                   false);
> +    if (!blk) {
> +        return ret;
> +    }
> +
> +    /* Initialize before using goto out. */
> +    qemu_progress_init(progress, 2.0);
> +
> +    bs = blk_bs(blk);
> +    buf = blk_blockalign(blk, IO_BUF_SIZE);

It looks like this macro is kind of specific to `img_compare()`, and is
currently somewhere in the middle of its code.  I don’t mind reusing it
here, but if so, we might want to move it up to the top of this file,
and add a comment that this is the buffer size used for commands like
compare or checksum.

IO_BUF_SIZE is also used by qemu-img convert. In the next commits
I'm adding another macro for the checksum code, so this change is not
needed, but I can move the macro to the top of the file to make it clear
that this is a default for many commands, and not specific qemu-img compare

> +
> +    total_size = blk_getlength(blk);
> +    if (total_size < 0) {
> +        error_report("Can't get size of %s: %s",
> +                     filename, strerror(-total_size));
> +        goto out;

I suggest adding `ret = 1;` before such a `goto out;` (not just here),
so it is clear exactly what value we are going to return (it isn’t
trivial to track that `ret` isn’t used for anything else). But I can see
that it’s extra code, so maybe you don’t like that.

If we keep this as-is, perhaps we could rename `ret` to something more
explicit like `exit_status`, though?  That way, it’s pretty clear that
we won’t accidentally reuse it for anything else.  (I know this isn’t
the first subcommand to use `ret` for the process exist status, but I
don’t think those other subcommands are great role models in this regard.)

exit_status is much better!

I'll rename ret to exit_status in the next version, and keep the way it is handled
(initialized to 1, set to 0 on success).

> +    }
> +
> +    h = blkhash_new(block_size, digest_name);

Should we somehow make sure that IO_BUF_SIZE is a multiple of
block_size?  I mean, it is, but it isn’t obvious at least, and I guess
maybe at some point someone might want to make block_size a parameter. 
Would a static assertion work?  (Would stop working once someone decide
to make block_size a parameter, which is good, because it draws attention.)

Using a multiple of block_size is no required but it can improve performance by
minimizing copies in the pending buffer managed by blkhash.

Making block_size configurable is not good way, since it changes the value of the
hash. In we do in this way we maybe wan to encode the block size in the result
so someone can restore the arguments for comparing an image against a hash:


This starts to look too complicated to me. In blksum I do not allow changing the block size.

I'll add an assert in the next version to keeps this default optimal.
> +    if (!h) {
> +        error_report("Can't create blkhash: %s", strerror(errno));
> +        goto out;
> +    }
> +
> +    qemu_progress_print(0, 100);
> +
> +    while (offset < total_size) {
> +        int status;
> +        int64_t chunk;
> +
> +        status = bdrv_block_status_above(bs, NULL, offset,
> +                                         total_size - offset, &pnum, NULL,
> +                                         NULL);
> +        if (status < 0) {
> +            error_report("Error checking status at offset %" PRId64 " for %s",
> +                         offset, filename);
> +            goto out;
> +        }
> +
> +        assert(pnum);
> +        chunk = pnum;

Can’t we drop `pnum` and replace it by `chunk` in all cases?

I did this in the next commit, I can update it in this commit.

> +
> +        if (status & BDRV_BLOCK_ZERO) {
> +            chunk = MIN(chunk, SIZE_MAX);

Itches me a bit to propose rounding SIZE_MAX down to block_size, but I
guess given the magnitude of SIZE_MAX on 64-bit systems, it doesn’t matter.

We round down to SIZE_MAX, since blkash_zero() accept size_t.

I can also change blkhash to use int64_t instead. Testing show that 16g is a good
value to ensure timely progress updates.

> +            err = blkhash_zero(h, chunk);
> +            if (err) {
> +                error_report("Error zeroing hash at offset %" PRId64
> +                             " of %s: %s",
> +                             offset, filename, strerror(err));
> +                goto out;
> +            }
> +        } else {
> +            chunk = MIN(chunk, IO_BUF_SIZE);
> +            err = blk_pread(blk, offset, chunk, buf, 0);
> +            if (err < 0) {
> +                error_report("Error reading at offset %" PRId64 " of %s: %s",
> +                             offset, filename, strerror(-err));
> +                goto out;
> +            }
> +            err = blkhash_update(h, buf, chunk);
> +            if (err) {
> +                error_report("Error updating hash at offset %" PRId64
> +                             " of %s: %s",
> +                             offset, filename, strerror(err));
> +                goto out;
> +            }
> +        }
> +
> +        offset += chunk;
> +        qemu_progress_print(((float) chunk / total_size) * 100, 100);
> +    }
> +
> +    err = blkhash_final(h, digest, &digest_len);

How does this verify that `digest` is sufficiently large?

I mean, it is, given that we only have sha256 now.  But it still seems
rather dangerous to me.

In blksum I'm using EVP_MAX_MD_SIZE (from <openssl/evp.h>) which is 64
(e.g. sha512).

I'll add a similar macro in blkhash.h so users do not have to assume

> +    if (err) {
> +        error_report("Error finalizing hash of %s: %s",
> +                     filename, strerror(err));
> +        goto out;
> +    }
> +
> +    for (unsigned i = 0; i < digest_len; i++) {

I always such declarations weren’t allowed in qemu, but this isn’t the
first place, and I don’t mind.  Good to know. :)

meson.build uses:


So the more modern and safer way should be allowed.

Thanks for reviewing, this is very helpful!


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