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[PATCH] target/mips/mxu: Rewrite D16MIN / D16MAX opcodes

From: Philippe Mathieu-Daudé
Subject: [PATCH] target/mips/mxu: Rewrite D16MIN / D16MAX opcodes
Date: Mon, 15 Mar 2021 23:37:45 +0100

Coverity reported (CID 1450831) an array overrun in

  1103     } else if (unlikely((XRb == 0) || (XRa == 0))) {
  1112         if (opc == OPC_MXU_D16MAX) {
  1113             tcg_gen_smax_i32(mxu_gpr[XRa - 1], t0, t1);
  1114         } else {
  1115             tcg_gen_smin_i32(mxu_gpr[XRa - 1], t0, t1);
  1116         }

>>> Overrunning array "mxu_gpr" of 15 8-byte elements at element
    index 4294967295 (byte offset 34359738367) using index "XRa - 1U"
    (which evaluates to 4294967295).

Because we check if 'XRa == 0' then access 'XRa - 1' in array.

I figured it could be easier to rewrite this function to something
simpler rather than trying to understand it.

Cc: Craig Janeczek <jancraig@amazon.com>
Fixes: bb84cbf3850 ("target/mips: MXU: Add handlers for max/min instructions")
Signed-off-by: Philippe Mathieu-Daudé <f4bug@amsat.org>
 target/mips/mxu_translate.c | 116 ++++++++++++------------------------
 1 file changed, 38 insertions(+), 78 deletions(-)

diff --git a/target/mips/mxu_translate.c b/target/mips/mxu_translate.c
index afc008eeeef..8673a0139d4 100644
--- a/target/mips/mxu_translate.c
+++ b/target/mips/mxu_translate.c
@@ -1086,89 +1086,49 @@ static void gen_mxu_S32MAX_S32MIN(DisasContext *ctx)
 static void gen_mxu_D16MAX_D16MIN(DisasContext *ctx)
     uint32_t pad, opc, XRc, XRb, XRa;
+    TCGv_i32 b, c, bs, cs;
+    TCGCond cond;
     pad = extract32(ctx->opcode, 21, 5);
-    opc = extract32(ctx->opcode, 18, 3);
-    XRc = extract32(ctx->opcode, 14, 4);
-    XRb = extract32(ctx->opcode, 10, 4);
-    XRa = extract32(ctx->opcode,  6, 4);
     if (unlikely(pad != 0)) {
         /* opcode padding incorrect -> do nothing */
-    } else if (unlikely(XRc == 0)) {
-        /* destination is zero register -> do nothing */
-    } else if (unlikely((XRb == 0) && (XRa == 0))) {
-        /* both operands zero registers -> just set destination to zero */
-        tcg_gen_movi_i32(mxu_gpr[XRc - 1], 0);
-    } else if (unlikely((XRb == 0) || (XRa == 0))) {
-        /* exactly one operand is zero register - find which one is not...*/
-        uint32_t XRx = XRb ? XRb : XRc;
-        /* ...and do half-word-wise max/min with one operand 0 */
-        TCGv_i32 t0 = tcg_temp_new();
-        TCGv_i32 t1 = tcg_const_i32(0);
-        /* the left half-word first */
-        tcg_gen_andi_i32(t0, mxu_gpr[XRx - 1], 0xFFFF0000);
-        if (opc == OPC_MXU_D16MAX) {
-            tcg_gen_smax_i32(mxu_gpr[XRa - 1], t0, t1);
-        } else {
-            tcg_gen_smin_i32(mxu_gpr[XRa - 1], t0, t1);
-        }
-        /* the right half-word */
-        tcg_gen_andi_i32(t0, mxu_gpr[XRx - 1], 0x0000FFFF);
-        /* move half-words to the leftmost position */
-        tcg_gen_shli_i32(t0, t0, 16);
-        /* t0 will be max/min of t0 and t1 */
-        if (opc == OPC_MXU_D16MAX) {
-            tcg_gen_smax_i32(t0, t0, t1);
-        } else {
-            tcg_gen_smin_i32(t0, t0, t1);
-        }
-        /* return resulting half-words to its original position */
-        tcg_gen_shri_i32(t0, t0, 16);
-        /* finally update the destination */
-        tcg_gen_or_i32(mxu_gpr[XRa - 1], mxu_gpr[XRa - 1], t0);
-        tcg_temp_free(t1);
-        tcg_temp_free(t0);
-    } else if (unlikely(XRb == XRc)) {
-        /* both operands same -> just set destination to one of them */
-        tcg_gen_mov_i32(mxu_gpr[XRa - 1], mxu_gpr[XRb - 1]);
-    } else {
-        /* the most general case */
-        TCGv_i32 t0 = tcg_temp_new();
-        TCGv_i32 t1 = tcg_temp_new();
-        /* the left half-word first */
-        tcg_gen_andi_i32(t0, mxu_gpr[XRb - 1], 0xFFFF0000);
-        tcg_gen_andi_i32(t1, mxu_gpr[XRc - 1], 0xFFFF0000);
-        if (opc == OPC_MXU_D16MAX) {
-            tcg_gen_smax_i32(mxu_gpr[XRa - 1], t0, t1);
-        } else {
-            tcg_gen_smin_i32(mxu_gpr[XRa - 1], t0, t1);
-        }
-        /* the right half-word */
-        tcg_gen_andi_i32(t0, mxu_gpr[XRb - 1], 0x0000FFFF);
-        tcg_gen_andi_i32(t1, mxu_gpr[XRc - 1], 0x0000FFFF);
-        /* move half-words to the leftmost position */
-        tcg_gen_shli_i32(t0, t0, 16);
-        tcg_gen_shli_i32(t1, t1, 16);
-        /* t0 will be max/min of t0 and t1 */
-        if (opc == OPC_MXU_D16MAX) {
-            tcg_gen_smax_i32(t0, t0, t1);
-        } else {
-            tcg_gen_smin_i32(t0, t0, t1);
-        }
-        /* return resulting half-words to its original position */
-        tcg_gen_shri_i32(t0, t0, 16);
-        /* finally update the destination */
-        tcg_gen_or_i32(mxu_gpr[XRa - 1], mxu_gpr[XRa - 1], t0);
-        tcg_temp_free(t1);
-        tcg_temp_free(t0);
+        return;
+    XRa = extract32(ctx->opcode,  6, 4);
+    if (unlikely(XRa == 0)) {
+        /* destination is zero register -> do nothing */
+        return;
+    }
+    b = tcg_temp_new();
+    c = tcg_temp_new();
+    bs = tcg_temp_new();
+    cs = tcg_temp_new();
+    opc = extract32(ctx->opcode, 18, 3);
+    cond = (opc == OPC_MXU_D16MAX) ? TCG_COND_GT : TCG_COND_LE;
+    XRb = extract32(ctx->opcode, 10, 4);
+    XRc = extract32(ctx->opcode, 14, 4);
+    gen_load_mxu_gpr(b, XRb);
+    gen_load_mxu_gpr(c, XRc);
+    /* short0 */
+    tcg_gen_sextract_i32(bs, b, 0, 16);
+    tcg_gen_sextract_i32(cs, c, 0, 16);
+    tcg_gen_movcond_i32(cond, mxu_gpr[XRa - 1], bs, cs, bs, cs);
+    /* short1 */
+    tcg_gen_sextract_i32(bs, b, 16, 16);
+    tcg_gen_sextract_i32(cs, c, 16, 16);
+    tcg_gen_movcond_i32(cond, b, bs, cs, bs, cs);
+    tcg_gen_deposit_i32(mxu_gpr[XRa - 1], mxu_gpr[XRa - 1], b, 16, 16);
+    tcg_temp_free(cs);
+    tcg_temp_free(bs);
+    tcg_temp_free(c);
+    tcg_temp_free(b);

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