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Re: [PATCH 0/2] use unsigned type for MegasasState fields

From: P J P
Subject: Re: [PATCH 0/2] use unsigned type for MegasasState fields
Date: Wed, 13 May 2020 19:19:42 +0530 (IST)

  Hello Alex,

+-- On Tue, 12 May 2020, Alexander Bulekov wrote --+
| I noticed this since I found a similar issue recently, using a fuzzer. I 
| applied your patches, but I can still reproduce the heap-overflow, unless 
| I'm missing something:

Strange, because with uint16_t type, 'reply_queue_head' should not turn 

| cat << EOF | qemu-system-i386 -qtest stdio -nographic -monitor none \
| -serial none -M q35 -device megasas -device scsi-cd,drive=null0 \
| -blockdev driver=null-co,read-zeroes=on,node-name=null0 -nographic
| outl 0xcf8 0x80001814
| outl 0xcfc 0xc021
| outl 0xcf8 0x80001818
| outl 0xcf8 0x80001804
| outw 0xcfc 0x7
| outl 0xcf8 0x80001810
| outl 0xcfc 0xe10c0000
| outl 0xcf8 0x8000f810
| write 0x0 0x18 0x060017e1ff00f8ffffffff60efffffffffffffffffffffff
| write 0xff00 0x1 0x06
| write 0xc021e10c0040 0x81 
| -M pc-q35-5.0 -no-shutdown -M q35 -device megasas -device scsi-cd,drive=null0 
-blockdev driver=null-co,read-zeroes=on,node-name=null0 -nographic

Are qemu options just above EOF right?

This leads to an assert failure below

  qemu/qtest.c:546:qtest_process_command: assertion failed: (words[1] && 
words[2] && words[3])
  Aborted                 (core dumped) /tmp/im/bin/qemu-system-x86_64 -qtest 
  stdio -nographic -monitor none -serial none -M q35 -device megasas -device 
  scsi-cd,drive=null0 -blockdev driver=null-co,read-zeroes=on,node-name=null0 
-nographic < ins

Thank you.
Prasad J Pandit / Red Hat Product Security Team
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