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[PATCH v1 1/2] hw/riscv: spike: Remove deprecated ISA specific machines

From: Alistair Francis
Subject: [PATCH v1 1/2] hw/riscv: spike: Remove deprecated ISA specific machines
Date: Tue, 5 May 2020 18:12:07 -0700

The ISA specific Spike machines have  been deprecated in QEMU since 4.1,
let's finally remove them.

Signed-off-by: Alistair Francis <address@hidden>
 hw/riscv/spike.c         | 217 ---------------------------------------
 include/hw/riscv/spike.h |   6 +-
 2 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 221 deletions(-)

diff --git a/hw/riscv/spike.c b/hw/riscv/spike.c
index d0c4843712..7bbbdb5036 100644
--- a/hw/riscv/spike.c
+++ b/hw/riscv/spike.c
@@ -257,221 +257,6 @@ static void spike_board_init(MachineState *machine)
-static void spike_v1_10_0_board_init(MachineState *machine)
-    const struct MemmapEntry *memmap = spike_memmap;
-    SpikeState *s = g_new0(SpikeState, 1);
-    MemoryRegion *system_memory = get_system_memory();
-    MemoryRegion *main_mem = g_new(MemoryRegion, 1);
-    MemoryRegion *mask_rom = g_new(MemoryRegion, 1);
-    int i;
-    unsigned int smp_cpus = machine->smp.cpus;
-    if (!qtest_enabled()) {
-        info_report("The Spike v1.10.0 machine has been deprecated. "
-                    "Please use the generic spike machine and specify the ISA "
-                    "versions using -cpu.");
-    }
-    /* Initialize SOC */
-    object_initialize_child(OBJECT(machine), "soc", &s->soc, sizeof(s->soc),
-                            TYPE_RISCV_HART_ARRAY, &error_abort, NULL);
-    object_property_set_str(OBJECT(&s->soc), SPIKE_V1_10_0_CPU, "cpu-type",
-                            &error_abort);
-    object_property_set_int(OBJECT(&s->soc), smp_cpus, "num-harts",
-                            &error_abort);
-    object_property_set_bool(OBJECT(&s->soc), true, "realized",
-                            &error_abort);
-    /* register system main memory (actual RAM) */
-    memory_region_init_ram(main_mem, NULL, "riscv.spike.ram",
-                           machine->ram_size, &error_fatal);
-    memory_region_add_subregion(system_memory, memmap[SPIKE_DRAM].base,
-        main_mem);
-    /* create device tree */
-    create_fdt(s, memmap, machine->ram_size, machine->kernel_cmdline);
-    /* boot rom */
-    memory_region_init_rom(mask_rom, NULL, "riscv.spike.mrom",
-                           memmap[SPIKE_MROM].size, &error_fatal);
-    memory_region_add_subregion(system_memory, memmap[SPIKE_MROM].base,
-                                mask_rom);
-    if (machine->kernel_filename) {
-        riscv_load_kernel(machine->kernel_filename, htif_symbol_callback);
-    }
-    /* reset vector */
-    uint32_t reset_vec[8] = {
-        0x00000297,                  /* 1:  auipc  t0, %pcrel_hi(dtb) */
-        0x02028593,                  /*     addi   a1, t0, %pcrel_lo(1b) */
-        0xf1402573,                  /*     csrr   a0, mhartid  */
-#if defined(TARGET_RISCV32)
-        0x0182a283,                  /*     lw     t0, 24(t0) */
-#elif defined(TARGET_RISCV64)
-        0x0182b283,                  /*     ld     t0, 24(t0) */
-        0x00028067,                  /*     jr     t0 */
-        0x00000000,
-        memmap[SPIKE_DRAM].base,     /* start: .dword DRAM_BASE */
-        0x00000000,
-                                     /* dtb: */
-    };
-    /* copy in the reset vector in little_endian byte order */
-    for (i = 0; i < sizeof(reset_vec) >> 2; i++) {
-        reset_vec[i] = cpu_to_le32(reset_vec[i]);
-    }
-    rom_add_blob_fixed_as("mrom.reset", reset_vec, sizeof(reset_vec),
-                          memmap[SPIKE_MROM].base, &address_space_memory);
-    /* copy in the device tree */
-    if (fdt_pack(s->fdt) || fdt_totalsize(s->fdt) >
-            memmap[SPIKE_MROM].size - sizeof(reset_vec)) {
-        error_report("not enough space to store device-tree");
-        exit(1);
-    }
-    qemu_fdt_dumpdtb(s->fdt, fdt_totalsize(s->fdt));
-    rom_add_blob_fixed_as("mrom.fdt", s->fdt, fdt_totalsize(s->fdt),
-                          memmap[SPIKE_MROM].base + sizeof(reset_vec),
-                          &address_space_memory);
-    /* initialize HTIF using symbols found in load_kernel */
-    htif_mm_init(system_memory, mask_rom, &s->soc.harts[0].env, serial_hd(0));
-    /* Core Local Interruptor (timer and IPI) */
-    sifive_clint_create(memmap[SPIKE_CLINT].base, memmap[SPIKE_CLINT].size,
-        false);
-static void spike_v1_09_1_board_init(MachineState *machine)
-    const struct MemmapEntry *memmap = spike_memmap;
-    SpikeState *s = g_new0(SpikeState, 1);
-    MemoryRegion *system_memory = get_system_memory();
-    MemoryRegion *main_mem = g_new(MemoryRegion, 1);
-    MemoryRegion *mask_rom = g_new(MemoryRegion, 1);
-    int i;
-    unsigned int smp_cpus = machine->smp.cpus;
-    if (!qtest_enabled()) {
-        info_report("The Spike v1.09.1 machine has been deprecated. "
-                    "Please use the generic spike machine and specify the ISA "
-                    "versions using -cpu.");
-    }
-    /* Initialize SOC */
-    object_initialize_child(OBJECT(machine), "soc", &s->soc, sizeof(s->soc),
-                            TYPE_RISCV_HART_ARRAY, &error_abort, NULL);
-    object_property_set_str(OBJECT(&s->soc), SPIKE_V1_09_1_CPU, "cpu-type",
-                            &error_abort);
-    object_property_set_int(OBJECT(&s->soc), smp_cpus, "num-harts",
-                            &error_abort);
-    object_property_set_bool(OBJECT(&s->soc), true, "realized",
-                            &error_abort);
-    /* register system main memory (actual RAM) */
-    memory_region_init_ram(main_mem, NULL, "riscv.spike.ram",
-                           machine->ram_size, &error_fatal);
-    memory_region_add_subregion(system_memory, memmap[SPIKE_DRAM].base,
-        main_mem);
-    /* boot rom */
-    memory_region_init_rom(mask_rom, NULL, "riscv.spike.mrom",
-                           memmap[SPIKE_MROM].size, &error_fatal);
-    memory_region_add_subregion(system_memory, memmap[SPIKE_MROM].base,
-                                mask_rom);
-    if (machine->kernel_filename) {
-        riscv_load_kernel(machine->kernel_filename, htif_symbol_callback);
-    }
-    /* reset vector */
-    uint32_t reset_vec[8] = {
-        0x297 + memmap[SPIKE_DRAM].base - memmap[SPIKE_MROM].base, /* lui */
-        0x00028067,                   /* jump to DRAM_BASE */
-        0x00000000,                   /* reserved */
-        memmap[SPIKE_MROM].base + sizeof(reset_vec), /* config string pointer 
-        0, 0, 0, 0                    /* trap vector */
-    };
-    /* part one of config string - before memory size specified */
-    const char *config_string_tmpl =
-        "platform {\n"
-        "  vendor ucb;\n"
-        "  arch spike;\n"
-        "};\n"
-        "rtc {\n"
-        "  addr 0x%" PRIx64 "x;\n"
-        "};\n"
-        "ram {\n"
-        "  0 {\n"
-        "    addr 0x%" PRIx64 "x;\n"
-        "    size 0x%" PRIx64 "x;\n"
-        "  };\n"
-        "};\n"
-        "core {\n"
-        "  0" " {\n"
-        "    " "0 {\n"
-        "      isa %s;\n"
-        "      timecmp 0x%" PRIx64 "x;\n"
-        "      ipi 0x%" PRIx64 "x;\n"
-        "    };\n"
-        "  };\n"
-        "};\n";
-    /* build config string with supplied memory size */
-    char *isa = riscv_isa_string(&s->soc.harts[0]);
-    char *config_string = g_strdup_printf(config_string_tmpl,
-        (uint64_t)memmap[SPIKE_CLINT].base + SIFIVE_TIME_BASE,
-        (uint64_t)memmap[SPIKE_DRAM].base,
-        (uint64_t)ram_size, isa,
-        (uint64_t)memmap[SPIKE_CLINT].base + SIFIVE_TIMECMP_BASE,
-        (uint64_t)memmap[SPIKE_CLINT].base + SIFIVE_SIP_BASE);
-    g_free(isa);
-    size_t config_string_len = strlen(config_string);
-    /* copy in the reset vector in little_endian byte order */
-    for (i = 0; i < sizeof(reset_vec) >> 2; i++) {
-        reset_vec[i] = cpu_to_le32(reset_vec[i]);
-    }
-    rom_add_blob_fixed_as("mrom.reset", reset_vec, sizeof(reset_vec),
-                          memmap[SPIKE_MROM].base, &address_space_memory);
-    /* copy in the config string */
-    rom_add_blob_fixed_as("mrom.reset", config_string, config_string_len,
-                          memmap[SPIKE_MROM].base + sizeof(reset_vec),
-                          &address_space_memory);
-    /* initialize HTIF using symbols found in load_kernel */
-    htif_mm_init(system_memory, mask_rom, &s->soc.harts[0].env, serial_hd(0));
-    /* Core Local Interruptor (timer and IPI) */
-    sifive_clint_create(memmap[SPIKE_CLINT].base, memmap[SPIKE_CLINT].size,
-        false);
-    g_free(config_string);
-static void spike_v1_09_1_machine_init(MachineClass *mc)
-    mc->desc = "RISC-V Spike Board (Privileged ISA v1.9.1)";
-    mc->init = spike_v1_09_1_board_init;
-    mc->max_cpus = 1;
-static void spike_v1_10_0_machine_init(MachineClass *mc)
-    mc->desc = "RISC-V Spike Board (Privileged ISA v1.10)";
-    mc->init = spike_v1_10_0_board_init;
-    mc->max_cpus = 1;
 static void spike_machine_init(MachineClass *mc)
     mc->desc = "RISC-V Spike Board";
@@ -481,6 +266,4 @@ static void spike_machine_init(MachineClass *mc)
     mc->default_cpu_type = SPIKE_V1_10_0_CPU;
-DEFINE_MACHINE("spike_v1.9.1", spike_v1_09_1_machine_init)
-DEFINE_MACHINE("spike_v1.10", spike_v1_10_0_machine_init)
 DEFINE_MACHINE("spike", spike_machine_init)
diff --git a/include/hw/riscv/spike.h b/include/hw/riscv/spike.h
index dc770421bc..b98cfea0e4 100644
--- a/include/hw/riscv/spike.h
+++ b/include/hw/riscv/spike.h
@@ -39,11 +39,9 @@ enum {
 #if defined(TARGET_RISCV32)
-#define SPIKE_V1_09_1_CPU TYPE_RISCV_CPU_RV32GCSU_V1_09_1
-#define SPIKE_V1_10_0_CPU TYPE_RISCV_CPU_RV32GCSU_V1_10_0
 #elif defined(TARGET_RISCV64)
-#define SPIKE_V1_09_1_CPU TYPE_RISCV_CPU_RV64GCSU_V1_09_1
-#define SPIKE_V1_10_0_CPU TYPE_RISCV_CPU_RV64GCSU_V1_10_0

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