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Re: [Qemu-devel] [PATCH v2] s390-ccw: print carriage return with new lin

From: Christian Borntraeger
Subject: Re: [Qemu-devel] [PATCH v2] s390-ccw: print carriage return with new lines
Date: Fri, 27 Oct 2017 16:14:47 +0200
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On 10/26/2017 10:54 PM, Collin L. Walling wrote:
> On 10/26/2017 04:48 PM, Alexander Graf wrote:
>> On 26.10.17 22:37, Collin L. Walling wrote:
>>> On 10/26/2017 04:25 PM, Alexander Graf wrote:
>>>> On 26.10.17 20:52, Collin L. Walling wrote:
>>>>> The sclp console in the s390 bios writes raw data,
>>>>> leading console emulators (such as virsh console) to
>>>>> treat a new line ('\n') as just a new line instead
>>>>> of as a Unix line feed. Because of this, output
>>>>> appears in a "stair case" pattern.
>>>>> Let's print \r\n on every occurrence of a new line
>>>>> in the string passed to write to amend this issue.
>>>>> This is in sync with the guest Linux code in
>>>>> drivers/s390/char/sclp_vt220.c which also does a line feed
>>>>> conversion  in the console part of the driver.
>>>>> This fixes the s390-ccw and s390-netboot output like
>>>>> $ virsh start test --console
>>>>> Domain test started
>>>>> Connected to domain test
>>>>> Escape character is ^]
>>>>> Network boot starting...
>>>>>                             Using MAC address: 02:01:02:03:04:05
>>>>> Requesting information via DHCP:  010
>>>>> Signed-off-by: Collin L. Walling <address@hidden>
>>>>> Signed-off-by: Christian Borntraeger <address@hidden>
>>>>> ---
>>>>>    pc-bios/s390-ccw/sclp.c | 16 +++++++++++++---
>>>>>    1 file changed, 13 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
>>>>> diff --git a/pc-bios/s390-ccw/sclp.c b/pc-bios/s390-ccw/sclp.c
>>>>> index 486fce1..f8ad5ae 100644
>>>>> --- a/pc-bios/s390-ccw/sclp.c
>>>>> +++ b/pc-bios/s390-ccw/sclp.c
>>>>> @@ -68,17 +68,27 @@ void sclp_setup(void)
>>>>>    long write(int fd, const void *str, size_t len)
>>>>>    {
>>>>>        WriteEventData *sccb = (void *)_sccb;
>>>>> +    const char *p = str;
>>>>> +    size_t data_len = 0;
>>>>> +    size_t i;
>>>>>          if (fd != 1 && fd != 2) {
>>>>>            return -EIO;
>>>>>        }
>>>>>    -    sccb->h.length = sizeof(WriteEventData) + len;
>>>>> +    for (i = len; i > 0; i--) {
>>>> Where did the bounds check go? If you write(max) before, you were
>>>> writing max bytes. If you do it now, you end up writing max + n bytes
>>>> and potentially overflow the array, no?
>>>> Alex
>>> I wasn't a fan of the code aesthetics and being that the SCCB write buffer
>>> allows about 4k bytes of data to be written to it, I felt it was safe to
>>> remove it.  It's unlikely we'd be writing that much data in the bios, plus
>>> that check did not exist prior to this fixup.
>>> Though, reading that out loud, it probably isn't the best idea to sacrifice
>>> code robustness for code aesthetics.
>>> for (i = len; i > 0; i--) {
>>>      if (data_len > SCCB_DATA_LEN - 1) {
>>>          return -SOME_ERROR
>>>      }
>>>      if (*p == '\n') {
>>>          sccb->data[data_len++] = '\r';
>>>      }
>>>      sccb->data[data_len++] = *p;
>>>      p++;
>>> }
>>> What do you think?
>> Normally write() would just write less bytes than it was requested to
>> write and tell you that in the return value. So how about
>> for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
>>      if ((data_len + 1) >= SCCB_DATA_LEN) {
>>          /* We would overflow the sccb buffer, abort early */
>>          len = i;
>>          break;
>>      }
>>      if (*p == '\n') {
>>          /* Terminal emulators might need \r\n, so generate it */
>>          sccb->data[data_len++] = '\r';
>>      }
>>      sccb->data[data_len++] = *p;
>>      p++;
>> }
>> Alex
> Makes sense to me.  I'll let this patch sit on the list for a little
> while longer before fixing up for v3 in case Imight have missed
> something else :)

Alex version looks sane. Can you post the patch today? soft freeze is 
approaching soon.

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