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Re: [Qemu-devel] [RFC PATCH v2 5/6] hw/pci: add bus_reserve property to

From: Marcel Apfelbaum
Subject: Re: [Qemu-devel] [RFC PATCH v2 5/6] hw/pci: add bus_reserve property to pcie-root-port
Date: Wed, 26 Jul 2017 07:24:17 +0300
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On 25/07/2017 20:11, Alexander Bezzubikov wrote:
вт, 25 июля 2017 г. в 19:10, Marcel Apfelbaum <address@hidden 
    On 25/07/2017 17:09, Alexander Bezzubikov wrote:
     > 2017-07-25 16:53 GMT+03:00 Michael S. Tsirkin <address@hidden
     >> On Tue, Jul 25, 2017 at 04:50:49PM +0300, Alexander Bezzubikov
     >>> 2017-07-25 16:43 GMT+03:00 Michael S. Tsirkin <address@hidden
     >>>> On Sun, Jul 23, 2017 at 05:13:11PM +0300, Marcel Apfelbaum wrote:
     >>>>> On 23/07/2017 15:22, Michael S. Tsirkin wrote:
     >>>>>> On Sun, Jul 23, 2017 at 01:15:42AM +0300, Aleksandr
    Bezzubikov wrote:
     >>>>>>> To enable hotplugging of a newly created pcie-pci-bridge,
     >>>>>>> we need to tell firmware (SeaBIOS in this case)
     >>>>> Hi Michael,
     >>>>>> Presumably, EFI would need to support this too?
     >>>>> Sure, Eduardo added to CC, but he is in PTO now.
     >>>>>>> to reserve
     >>>>>>> additional buses for pcie-root-port, that allows us to
     >>>>>>> hotplug pcie-pci-bridge into this root port.
     >>>>>>> The number of buses to reserve is provided to the device
    via a corresponding
     >>>>>>> property, and to the firmware via new PCI capability (next
     >>>>>>> The property's default value is 1 as we want to hotplug at
    least 1 bridge.
     >>>>>> If so you should just teach firmware to allocate one bus #
     >>>>>> unconditionally.
     >>>>> That would be a problem for the PCIe machines, since each PCIe
     >>>>> devices is plugged in a different bus and we are already
     >>>>> limited to 256 PCIe devices. Allocating an extra-bus always
     >>>>> would really limit the PCIe devices we can use.
     >>>> One of the declared advantages of PCIe is easy support for
    multiple roots.
     >>>> We really should look at that IMHO so we do not need to pile
    up hacks.
     >>>>>> But why would that be so? What's wrong with a device
     >>>>>> directly in the root port?
     >>>> To clarify, my point is we might be wasting bus numbers by
     >>>> since someone might just want to put pcie devices there.
     >>> I think, changing default value to 0 can help us avoid this,
     >>> as no bus reservation by default. If one's surely wants
     >>> to hotplug pcie-pci-bridge into this root port in future,
     >>> the property gives him such an opportunity.
     >>> So, sure need pcie-pci-bridge hotplug -> creating a root port with
     >>> bus_reserve > 0. Otherwise (and default) - just as now, no changes
     >>> in bus topology.
     >> I guess 0 should mean "do not reserve any buses".  So I think we
>> need a flag to just avoid the capability altogether. Maybe -1? *That*
     >> should be the default.
     > -1 might be useful if any limit value 0 is legal, but is it?
     > If not, we can set every field to 0 and
     > this is a sign of avoiding capability since none legal
     > values are provided.

    As Gerd suggested, this value is not a "delta" but the number
    of buses to be reserved behind the bridge. If I got it right,
    0 is not a valid value, since the bridge by definition
    has a list one bus behind.

Gerd's suggestion was to set min(cap_value, children_found). From such point of view 0 can be a valid value.
I am lost now :)
How can we use the capability to reserve "more" buses since
children-found will be always the smaller value?

I think you should use max(cap_value, children_found) to
ensure you always reserve enough buses for existing children.

In this case 0 is actually an invalid value since
children_found > 0 for a bridge.


    Michael, would you be OK with that?


     >>>>> First, plugging a legacy PCI device into a PCIe Root Port
     >>>>> looks strange at least, and it can;t be done on real HW anyway.
     >>>>> (incompatible slots)
     >>>>> Second (and more important), if we want 2 or more PCI
     >>>>> devices we would loose both IO ports space and bus numbers.
     >>>>>>> Signed-off-by: Aleksandr Bezzubikov <address@hidden
     >>>>>>> ---
     >>>>>>>    hw/pci-bridge/pcie_root_port.c | 1 +
     >>>>>>>    include/hw/pci/pcie_port.h     | 3 +++
     >>>>>>>    2 files changed, 4 insertions(+)
     >>>>>>> diff --git a/hw/pci-bridge/pcie_root_port.c
     >>>>>>> index 4d588cb..b0e49e1 100644
     >>>>>>> --- a/hw/pci-bridge/pcie_root_port.c
     >>>>>>> +++ b/hw/pci-bridge/pcie_root_port.c
     >>>>>>> @@ -137,6 +137,7 @@ static void rp_exit(PCIDevice *d)
     >>>>>>>    static Property rp_props[] = {
     >>>>>>>        DEFINE_PROP_BIT(COMPAT_PROP_PCP, PCIDevice, cap_present,
     >>>>>>>                        QEMU_PCIE_SLTCAP_PCP_BITNR, true),
     >>>>>>> +    DEFINE_PROP_UINT8("bus_reserve", PCIEPort,
    bus_reserve, 1),
     >>>>>>>        DEFINE_PROP_END_OF_LIST()
     >>>>>>>    };
     >>>>>>> diff --git a/include/hw/pci/pcie_port.h
     >>>>>>> index 1333266..1b2dd1f 100644
     >>>>>>> --- a/include/hw/pci/pcie_port.h
     >>>>>>> +++ b/include/hw/pci/pcie_port.h
     >>>>>>> @@ -34,6 +34,9 @@ struct PCIEPort {
     >>>>>>>        /* pci express switch port */
     >>>>>>>        uint8_t     port;
     >>>>>>> +
     >>>>>>> +    /* additional buses to reserve on firmware init */
     >>>>>>> +    uint8_t     bus_reserve;
     >>>>>>>    };
     >>>>>>>    void pcie_port_init_reg(PCIDevice *d);
     >>>>>> So here is a property and it does not do anything.
     >>>>>> It makes it easier to work on series maybe, but review
     >>>>>> is harder since we do not see what it does at all.
     >>>>>> Please do not split up patches like this - you can maintain
     >>>>>> it split up in your branch if you like and merge before sending.
     >>>>> Agreed, Alexandr please merge patches 4-5-6 for your next
     >>>>> Thanks,
     >>>>> Marcel
     >>>>>>> --
     >>>>>>> 2.7.4
     >>> --
     >>> Alexander Bezzubikov

Alexander Bezzubikov

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