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Re: [Qemu-devel] [PATCH COLO-Frame v8 08/34] COLO: Implement colo checkp

From: zhanghailiang
Subject: Re: [Qemu-devel] [PATCH COLO-Frame v8 08/34] COLO: Implement colo checkpoint protocol
Date: Fri, 28 Aug 2015 15:53:45 +0800
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:38.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/38.1.0

On 2015/8/27 20:43, Dr. David Alan Gilbert wrote:
* zhanghailiang (address@hidden) wrote:
Hi Dave,

On 2015/8/27 18:40, Dr. David Alan Gilbert wrote:
* zhanghailiang (address@hidden) wrote:
We need communications protocol of user-defined to control the checkpoint

The new checkpoint request is started by Primary VM, and the interactive process
like below:
Checkpoint synchronizing points,

                   Primary                 Secondary
   NEW             @
   SUSPENDED                               @
                   Suspend&Save state
   SEND            @
                   Send state              Receive state
   RECEIVED                                @
                   Flush network           Load state
   LOADED                                  @
                   Resume                  Resume

                   Start Comparing
  1) '@' who sends the message
  2) Every sync-point is synchronized by two sides with only
     one handshake(single direction) for low-latency.
     If more strict synchronization is required, a opposite direction
     sync-point should be added.
  3) Since sync-points are single direction, the remote side may
     go forward a lot when this side just receives the sync-point.

Signed-off-by: Yang Hongyang <address@hidden>
Signed-off-by: zhanghailiang <address@hidden>
Signed-off-by: Li Zhijian <address@hidden>
Signed-off-by: Gonglei <address@hidden>
  migration/colo.c | 248 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
  trace-events     |   3 +-
  2 files changed, 248 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

diff --git a/migration/colo.c b/migration/colo.c
index 364e0dd..4ba6f65 100644
--- a/migration/colo.c
+++ b/migration/colo.c
@@ -14,6 +14,55 @@
  #include "migration/colo.h"
  #include "trace.h"
  #include "qemu/error-report.h"
+#include "qemu/sockets.h"
+/* Fix me: Convert to use QAPI */
+typedef enum COLOCommand {

Fixed, i have converted this to QAPI, and some names has been changed too.

Besides, we have decided to respin this series which only including the basic
periodic checkpoint (Just like MicroCheckpointing, and this periodic mode is 
also what we want to support in COLO.)
it will be based on Yong Hongyang's  netfilter/netbuffer to buffer/release net 

We have decided to realize the proxy in qemu,
and there will be a long time for proxy to be ready for merging. So extracting
the basic periodic checkpoint that not depend on proxy maybe a good idea,
it will be more easy for test and review, and also can be merged before proxy 
is ready.
OK, yes; do you have a rough feeling for when the version with the proxy in qemu
will arrive?

If everything goes well, we can realize the prototype before the middle of 



+    /*
+    * Checkpoint synchronizing points.
+    *
+    *                  Primary                 Secondary
+    *  NEW             @
+    *                                          Suspend
+    *  SUSPENDED                               @
+    *                  Suspend&Save state
+    *  SEND            @
+    *                  Send state              Receive state
+    *  RECEIVED                                @
+    *                  Flush network           Load state
+    *  LOADED                                  @
+    *                  Resume                  Resume
+    *
+    *                  Start Comparing
+    * NOTE:
+    * 1) '@' who sends the message
+    * 2) Every sync-point is synchronized by two sides with only
+    *    one handshake(single direction) for low-latency.
+    *    If more strict synchronization is required, a opposite direction
+    *    sync-point should be added.
+    * 3) Since sync-points are single direction, the remote side may
+    *    go forward a lot when this side just receives the sync-point.
+    */
+} COLOCommand;
+const char * const COLOCommand_lookup[] = {

Unneeded ' ' after the *.

+    [COLO_CHECPOINT_READY] = "checkpoint-ready",
+    [COLO_CHECKPOINT_NEW] = "checkpoint-new",
+    [COLO_CHECKPOINT_SUSPENDED] = "checkpoint-suspend",
+    [COLO_CHECKPOINT_SEND] = "checheckpoint-send",
+    [COLO_CHECKPOINT_RECEIVED] = "checkpoint-received",
+    [COLO_CHECKPOINT_LOADED] = "checkpoint-loaded",

  static QEMUBH *colo_bh;

@@ -36,20 +85,137 @@ bool migration_incoming_in_colo_state(void)
      return (mis && (mis->state == MIGRATION_STATUS_COLO));

+/* colo checkpoint control helper */
+static int colo_ctl_put(QEMUFile *f, uint64_t request)
+    int ret = 0;
+    qemu_put_be64(f, request);
+    qemu_fflush(f);
+    ret = qemu_file_get_error(f);
+    if (request < COLO_CHECKPOINT_MAX) {
+        trace_colo_ctl_put(COLOCommand_lookup[request]);
+    }
+    return ret;
+static int colo_ctl_get_value(QEMUFile *f, uint64_t *value)
+    int ret = 0;
+    uint64_t temp;
+    temp = qemu_get_be64(f);
+    ret = qemu_file_get_error(f);
+    if (ret < 0) {
+        return -1;
Why not just return ret rather than -1?

Fixed, thanks

+    }
+    *value = temp;
+    return 0;
+static int colo_ctl_get(QEMUFile *f, uint64_t require)
+    int ret;
+    uint64_t value;
+    ret = colo_ctl_get_value(f, &value);
+    if (ret < 0) {
+        return ret;
+    }
+    if (value != require) {
+        error_report("unexpected state! expected: %"PRIu64
+                     ", received: %"PRIu64, require, value);
+        exit(1);
+    }
Do you really want to exit? If you change that to something like
   return -EINVAL;

   then if it happens on the primary side, the primary side would
Yes, we should not call exit() in COLO's common path, it will break
failover. i have fixed it.

+    trace_colo_ctl_get(COLOCommand_lookup[require]);
+    return ret;
That's always 0 ?

I have fixed this helper function.

+static int colo_do_checkpoint_transaction(MigrationState *s, QEMUFile *control)
+    int ret;
+    ret = colo_ctl_put(s->file, COLO_CHECKPOINT_NEW);
+    if (ret < 0) {
+        goto out;
+    }
+    ret = colo_ctl_get(control, COLO_CHECKPOINT_SUSPENDED);
+    if (ret < 0) {
+        goto out;
+    }
+    /* TODO: suspend and save vm state to colo buffer */
+    ret = colo_ctl_put(s->file, COLO_CHECKPOINT_SEND);
+    if (ret < 0) {
+        goto out;
+    }
+    /* TODO: send vmstate to Secondary */
+    ret = colo_ctl_get(control, COLO_CHECKPOINT_RECEIVED);
+    if (ret < 0) {
+        goto out;
+    }
+    ret = colo_ctl_get(control, COLO_CHECKPOINT_LOADED);
+    if (ret < 0) {
+        goto out;
+    }
+    /* TODO: resume Primary */
+    return ret;
  static void *colo_thread(void *opaque)
      MigrationState *s = opaque;
+    QEMUFile *colo_control = NULL;
+    int ret;
+    colo_control = qemu_fopen_socket(qemu_get_fd(s->file), "rb");
+    if (!colo_control) {
+        error_report("Open colo_control failed!");
+        goto out;
+    }
+    /*
+     * Wait for Secondary finish loading vm states and enter COLO
+     * restore.
+     */
+    ret = colo_ctl_get(colo_control, COLO_CHECPOINT_READY);
+    if (ret < 0) {
+        goto out;
+    }

      trace_colo_vm_state_change("stop", "run");

-    /*TODO: COLO checkpoint savevm loop*/
+    while (s->state == MIGRATION_STATUS_COLO) {
+        /* start a colo checkpoint */
+        if (colo_do_checkpoint_transaction(s, colo_control)) {
+            goto out;
+        }
+    }

      migrate_set_state(&s->state, MIGRATION_STATUS_COLO,

+    if (colo_control) {
+        qemu_fclose(colo_control);
+    }
@@ -83,15 +249,93 @@ void colo_init_checkpointer(MigrationState *s)

+ * return:
+ * 0: start a checkpoint
+ * -1: some error happened, exit colo restore
+ */
+static int colo_wait_handle_cmd(QEMUFile *f, int *checkpoint_request)
+    int ret;
+    uint64_t cmd;
+    ret = colo_ctl_get_value(f, &cmd);
+    if (ret < 0) {
+        return -1;
    return ret  ?

+    }
+    switch (cmd) {
+        *checkpoint_request = 1;
+        return 0;
+    default:
+        return -1;
+    }
  void *colo_process_incoming_checkpoints(void *opaque)
      MigrationIncomingState *mis = opaque;
+    QEMUFile *f = mis->file;
+    int fd = qemu_get_fd(f);
+    QEMUFile *ctl = NULL;
+    int ret;

      migrate_set_state(&mis->state, MIGRATION_STATUS_ACTIVE,

-    /* TODO: COLO checkpoint restore loop */
+    ctl = qemu_fopen_socket(fd, "wb");
+    if (!ctl) {
+        error_report("Can't open incoming channel!");
+        goto out;
+    }
+    ret = colo_ctl_put(ctl, COLO_CHECPOINT_READY);
+    if (ret < 0) {
+        goto out;
+    }
+    /* TODO: in COLO mode, Secondary is runing, so start the vm */
+    while (mis->state == MIGRATION_STATUS_COLO) {
+        int request = 0;
+        int ret = colo_wait_handle_cmd(f, &request);
+        if (ret < 0) {
+            break;
+        } else {
+            if (!request) {
+                continue;
+            }
+        }

+        /* TODO: suspend guest */
+        ret = colo_ctl_put(ctl, COLO_CHECKPOINT_SUSPENDED);
+        if (ret < 0) {
+            goto out;
+        }
+        ret = colo_ctl_get(f, COLO_CHECKPOINT_SEND);
+        if (ret < 0) {
+            goto out;
+        }
+        /* TODO: read migration data into colo buffer */
+        ret = colo_ctl_put(ctl, COLO_CHECKPOINT_RECEIVED);
+        if (ret < 0) {
+            goto out;
+        }
+        /* TODO: load vm state */
+        ret = colo_ctl_put(ctl, COLO_CHECKPOINT_LOADED);
+        if (ret < 0) {
+            goto out;
+        }
+    if (ctl) {
+        qemu_fclose(ctl);
+    }

      return NULL;
diff --git a/trace-events b/trace-events
index 025d71c..4487633 100644
--- a/trace-events
+++ b/trace-events
@@ -1473,7 +1473,8 @@ rdma_start_outgoing_migration_after_rdma_source_init(void) 

  # migration/colo.c
  colo_vm_state_change(const char *old, const char *new) "Change '%s' => '%s'"
-colo_receive_message(const char *msg) "Receive '%s'"
+colo_ctl_put(const char *msg) "Send '%s'"
+colo_ctl_get(const char *msg) "Receive '%s'"

  # kvm-all.c
  kvm_ioctl(int type, void *arg) "type 0x%x, arg %p"

Dr. David Alan Gilbert / address@hidden / Manchester, UK


Dr. David Alan Gilbert / address@hidden / Manchester, UK


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