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Re: [Qemu-devel] [PATCH] QMP: TPM QMP and man page documentation updates

From: Corey Bryant
Subject: Re: [Qemu-devel] [PATCH] QMP: TPM QMP and man page documentation updates
Date: Tue, 19 Mar 2013 10:59:50 -0400
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On 03/19/2013 03:26 AM, Markus Armbruster wrote:
[Note cc: Anthony for QAPI schema expertise]

Stefan Berger <address@hidden> writes:

On 03/18/2013 12:16 PM, Markus Armbruster wrote:
Corey Bryant <address@hidden> writes:

Signed-off-by: Corey Bryant <address@hidden>
   qemu-options.hx |  3 ++-
   qmp-commands.hx | 59 
   2 files changed, 61 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/qemu-options.hx b/qemu-options.hx
index 30fb85d..3b3cd0f 100644
--- a/qemu-options.hx
+++ b/qemu-options.hx
@@ -2237,7 +2237,8 @@ Backend type must be:
     The specific backend type will determine the applicable
-The @code{-tpmdev} option requires a @code{-device} option.
+The @code{-tpmdev} option creates the TPM backend and requires a
address@hidden option that specifies the TPM frontend interface model.
     Options to each backend are described below.
   diff --git a/qmp-commands.hx b/qmp-commands.hx
index b370060..4eda5ea 100644
--- a/qmp-commands.hx
+++ b/qmp-commands.hx
@@ -2721,18 +2721,77 @@ EQMP
           .mhandler.cmd_new = qmp_marshal_input_query_tpm,
+Return information about the TPM device.
+Arguments: None
+-> { "execute": "query-tpm" }
+<- { "return":
+     [
+       { "model": "tpm-tis",
+         "tpm-options":
+           { "type": "tpm-passthrough-options",
+             "data":
+               { "cancel-path": "/sys/class/misc/tpm0/device/cancel",
+                 "path": "/dev/tpm0"
+               }
+           },
+         "type": "passthrough",
+         "id": "tpm0"
+       }
+     ]
+   }
"tpm-options" is a discriminated union.  How is its discriminator "type"
(here: "tpm-passthrough-options") related to the outer "type" (here:
It gives you similar information twice. So there is a direct
relationship between the two types.
Awkward and undocumented.

Relevant parts of qapi-schema.json:

     { 'enum': 'TpmType', 'data': [ 'passthrough' ] }

     { 'union': 'TpmTypeOptions',
        'data': { 'tpm-passthrough-options' : 'TPMPassthroughOptions' } }

     { 'type': 'TPMInfo',
       'data': {'id': 'str',
                'model': 'TpmModel',
                'type': 'TpmType',
                'tpm-options': 'TpmTypeOptions' } }

Type Netdev solves the same problem more elegantly:

     { 'union': 'NetClientOptions',
       'data': {
         'none':     'NetdevNoneOptions',
         'nic':      'NetLegacyNicOptions',
         'user':     'NetdevUserOptions',
         'tap':      'NetdevTapOptions',
         'socket':   'NetdevSocketOptions',
         'vde':      'NetdevVdeOptions',
         'dump':     'NetdevDumpOptions',
         'bridge':   'NetdevBridgeOptions',
         'hubport':  'NetdevHubPortOptions' } }

     { 'type': 'Netdev',
       'data': {
         'id':   'str',
         'opts': 'NetClientOptions' } }

Uses the union's discriminator.  Straightforward.

Following Netdev precedence, we get:

     { 'union': 'TpmTypeOptions',
       'data': { 'passthrough' : 'TPMPassthroughOptions' } }

     { 'type': 'TPMInfo',
       'data': {'id': 'str',
                'model': 'TpmModel',
                'opts': 'TpmTypeOptions' } }

I can send a patch for this update if you'd like.

Duplication of type is gone.  No need for documentation.

Since enum TpmType is used elsewhere, it still gets duplicated in the
union's discriminator.  Anthony, is there a way to name the implicit
discriminator enum type for reference elsewhere in the schema?

Are you saying it still gets duplicated with this fix?  I'm not sure 
what you mean.
Corey Bryant

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