> Well, the comment is from source code. I don't catch why you think "list
> of TBS jumping to this one" is wrong.
> My understand is that TB chain be used forreduce switch from the translation
> cache to the guest code. It will be a circular list if there is no interrupt
> or exceptional.
> At mean while, it's just the date related to TB chain in TB struct, it's
> not about process of how TB chain work.
"list of TBs jumping to this one" make me think that jmp_next and
jmp_first store those TBs jump to this TB. But it seems the actual
use of jmp_next is another way around, jmp_next points to those TBs
next to this one.
Wei-Ren Chen (陳韋任)
Computer Systems Lab, Institute of Information Science,
Academia Sinica, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Tel:886-2-2788-3799 #1667