I would like to carry out an online code review of the memory API so
that more people are familiar with the internals, and perhaps even to
catch some bugs or deficiency. I'd like to use the next kvm conference
call slot for this (Tuesday 1400 UTC) since many people already have it
reserved in the schedule.
It would be great if people from the wider qemu community be present,
rather than the usual "x86 is everything" crowd (+Jan) that usually
participates in the kvm weekly call.
Juan, Chris, can we dedicate next week's call to this?
We'll also need a way to disseminate a few slides and an editor session
for showing the code. We have an elluminate account that can be used for
this, but usually this has a 50% failure rate on Linux. Anthony, perhaps
we can set up a view-only vnc reflector on qemu.org?