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[Qemu-devel] [PATCH 13/22] qapi: add code generators for QMP command mar
From: |
Anthony Liguori |
Subject: |
[Qemu-devel] [PATCH 13/22] qapi: add code generators for QMP command marshaling |
Date: |
Sun, 6 Mar 2011 19:22:55 -0600 |
This generates qmp.h which contains the declarations of all of QMP functions
to be dispatched, plus a function that registers marshallers for each of
the QMP functions.
Signed-off-by: Anthony Liguori <address@hidden>
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 8f3a4d3..47a755d 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ GENERATED_HEADERS = config-host.h trace.h qemu-options.def
ifeq ($(TRACE_BACKEND),dtrace)
GENERATED_HEADERS += trace-dtrace.h
-GENERATED_HEADERS += qmp-types.h qmp-marshal-types.h
+GENERATED_HEADERS += qmp-types.h qmp-marshal-types.h qmp.h
ifneq ($(wildcard config-host.mak),)
# Put the all: rule here so that config-host.mak can contain dependencies.
@@ -159,8 +159,15 @@ qmp-marshal-types.c: $(SRC_PATH)/qmp-schema.json
qmp-marshal-types.h: $(SRC_PATH)/qmp-schema.json $(SRC_PATH)/qmp-gen.py
$(call quiet-command,python $(SRC_PATH)/qmp-gen.py --marshal-header <
$< > $@, " GEN $@")
+qmp.h: $(SRC_PATH)/qmp-schema.json $(SRC_PATH)/qmp-gen.py
+ $(call quiet-command,python $(SRC_PATH)/qmp-gen.py --header < $< > $@,
" GEN $@")
+qmp-marshal.c: $(SRC_PATH)/qmp-schema.json $(SRC_PATH)/qmp-gen.py
+ $(call quiet-command,python $(SRC_PATH)/qmp-gen.py --body < $< > $@, "
GEN $@")
qmp-types.o: qmp-types.c qmp-types.h
qmp-marshal-types.o: qmp-marshal-types.c qmp-marshal-types.h qmp-types.h
+qmp-marshal.o: qmp-marshal.c qmp.h qmp-types.h qmp-marshal-types.h
version.o: $(SRC_PATH)/version.rc config-host.mak
$(call quiet-command,$(WINDRES) -I. -o $@ $<," RC $(TARGET_DIR)$@")
diff --git a/Makefile.objs b/Makefile.objs
index dbdce3c..5dae800 100644
--- a/Makefile.objs
+++ b/Makefile.objs
@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ common-obj-y += block-migration.o
common-obj-y += pflib.o
common-obj-y += bitmap.o bitops.o
common-obj-y += qmp-marshal-types.o qmp-marshal-types-core.o
-common-obj-y += qmp-core.o
+common-obj-y += qmp-core.o qmp-marshal.o
common-obj-$(CONFIG_BRLAPI) += baum.o
common-obj-$(CONFIG_POSIX) += migration-exec.o migration-unix.o migration-fd.o
diff --git a/qmp-gen.py b/qmp-gen.py
index 8adcc2b..aac0f90 100644
--- a/qmp-gen.py
+++ b/qmp-gen.py
@@ -429,6 +429,227 @@ QObject *qmp_marshal_type_%s(%s value)
''' % (name, name, name)
+def print_declaration(name, required, optional, retval):
+ args = []
+ if name in ['qmp_capabilities', 'put-event']:
+ return
+ for key in required:
+ args.append('%s %s' % (qmp_type_to_c(required[key]), c_var(key)))
+ for key in optional:
+ if optional[key] == '**':
+ args.append('KeyValues * %s' % c_var(key))
+ else:
+ args.append('bool has_%s' % c_var(key))
+ args.append('%s %s' % (qmp_type_to_c(optional[key]), c_var(key)))
+ args.append('Error **err')
+ print '%s qmp_%s(%s);' % (qmp_type_to_c(retval, True), c_var(name), ',
+def print_definition(name, required, optional, retval):
+ if qmp_type_is_event(retval):
+ arglist = ['void *opaque']
+ for member in event_types[retval]:
+ argname = c_var(member)
+ argtype = event_types[retval][member]
+ if argname[0] == '*':
+ argname = argname[1:]
+ arglist.append('bool has_%s' % argname)
+ arglist.append('%s %s' % (qmp_type_to_c(argtype), argname))
+ print '''
+static void qmp_marshal_%s(%s)
+ QDict *qmp__args = qdict_new();
+ QmpConnection *qmp__conn = opaque;
+''' % (qmp_event_to_c(retval), ', '.join(arglist))
+ for member in event_types[retval]:
+ argname = member
+ argtype = event_types[retval][member]
+ opt = False
+ if argname[0] == '*':
+ argname = argname[1:]
+ opt = True
+ if opt:
+ print ' if (has_%s) {' % c_var(argname)
+ print ' qdict_put_obj(qmp__args, "%s", %s(%s));' %
(argname, qmp_type_to_qobj_ctor(argtype), c_var(argname))
+ print ' }'
+ else:
+ print ' qdict_put_obj(qmp__args, "%s", %s(%s));' %
(argname, qmp_type_to_qobj_ctor(argtype), c_var(argname))
+ print '''
+ qmp_state_event(qmp__conn, QOBJECT(qmp__args));
+ QDECREF(qmp__args);
+ print '''
+static void qmp_marshal_%s(QmpState *qmp__sess, const QDict *qdict, QObject
**ret_data, Error **err)
+ int qmp__handle;
+ QmpConnection *qmp__connection = qemu_mallocz(sizeof(QmpConnection));''' %
+ elif name in ['qmp_capabilities', 'put-event']:
+ print '''
+static void qmp_marshal_%s(QmpState *qmp__sess, const QDict *qdict, QObject
**ret_data, Error **err)
+{''' % c_var(name)
+ else:
+ print '''
+static void qmp_marshal_%s(const QDict *qdict, QObject **ret_data, Error **err)
+{''' % c_var(name)
+ print ' Error *qmp__err = NULL;'
+ for key in required:
+ print ' %s %s = 0;' % (qmp_type_to_c(required[key], True),
+ for key in optional:
+ if optional[key] == '**':
+ print ' KeyValues * %s = 0;' % c_var(key)
+ else:
+ print ' bool has_%s = false;' % (c_var(key))
+ print ' %s %s = 0;' % (qmp_type_to_c(optional[key], True),
+ if retval != 'none':
+ print ' %s qmp_retval = 0;' % (qmp_type_to_c(retval, True))
+ print '''
+ (void)qmp__err;'''
+ for key in required:
+ print '''
+ if (!qdict_haskey(qdict, "%s")) {
+ error_set(err, QERR_MISSING_PARAMETER, "%s");
+ goto qmp__out;
+ }
+ %s = %s(qdict_get(qdict, "%s"), &qmp__err);
+ if (qmp__err) {
+ if (error_is_type(qmp__err, QERR_INVALID_PARAMETER_TYPE)) {
+ error_set(err, QERR_INVALID_PARAMETER_TYPE, "%s",
+ error_get_field(qmp__err, "expected"));
+ error_free(qmp__err);
+ qmp__err = NULL;
+ } else {
+ error_propagate(err, qmp__err);
+ }
+ goto qmp__out;
+ }
+''' % (key, key, c_var(key), qmp_type_from_qobj(required[key]), key, key)
+ for key in optional:
+ if optional[key] == '**':
+ print '''
+ {
+ const QDictEntry *qmp__qdict_i;
+ %s = NULL;
+ for (qmp__qdict_i = qdict_first(qdict); qmp__qdict_i; qmp__qdict_i =
qdict_next(qdict, qmp__qdict_i)) {
+ KeyValues *qmp__i;''' % c_var(key)
+ for key1 in required.keys() + optional.keys():
+ if key1 == key:
+ continue
+ print ''' if (strcmp(qmp__qdict_i->key, "%s") == 0)
+ continue;
+ }''' % key1
+ print '''
+ qmp__i = qmp_alloc_key_values();
+ qmp__i->key = qemu_strdup(qmp__qdict_i->key);
+ qmp__i->value = qobject_as_string(qmp__qdict_i->value);
+ qmp__i->next = %s;
+ %s = qmp__i;
+ }
+ }''' % (c_var(key), c_var(key))
+ else:
+ print '''
+ if (qdict_haskey(qdict, "%s")) {
+ %s = %s(qdict_get(qdict, "%s"), &qmp__err);
+ if (qmp__err) {
+ if (error_is_type(qmp__err, QERR_INVALID_PARAMETER_TYPE)) {
+ error_set(err, QERR_INVALID_PARAMETER_TYPE, "%s",
+ error_get_field(qmp__err, "expected"));
+ error_free(qmp__err);
+ qmp__err = NULL;
+ } else {
+ error_propagate(err, qmp__err);
+ }
+ goto qmp__out;
+ }
+ has_%s = true;
+ }
+''' % (key, c_var(key), qmp_type_from_qobj(optional[key]), key, key,
+ args = []
+ for key in required:
+ args.append(c_var(key))
+ for key in optional:
+ if optional[key] == '**':
+ args.append(c_var(key))
+ else:
+ args.append('has_%s' % c_var(key))
+ args.append(c_var(key))
+ args.append('err')
+ if name in ['qmp_capabilities', 'put-event']:
+ args = ['qmp__sess'] + args
+ arglist = ', '.join(args)
+ fn = 'qmp_%s' % c_var(name)
+ if name == 'put-event':
+ print ' qmp_state_del_connection(%s);' % arglist
+ elif retval == 'none':
+ print ' %s(%s);' % (fn, arglist)
+ else:
+ print ' qmp_retval = %s(%s);' % (fn, arglist)
+ print '''
+ if (error_is_set(err)) {
+ goto qmp__out;
+ }'''
+ if retval == 'none':
+ pass
+ elif qmp_type_is_event(retval):
+ print ' qmp__handle = signal_connect(qmp_retval, qmp_marshal_%s,
qmp__connection);' % (qmp_event_to_c(retval))
+ print ' qmp_state_add_connection(qmp__sess, "%s",
qmp_retval->signal, qmp__handle, qmp__connection);' % retval
+ print ' *ret_data =
+ print ' qmp__connection = NULL;'
+ elif type(retval) == str:
+ print ' *ret_data = %s(qmp_retval);' % qmp_type_to_qobj_ctor(retval)
+ elif type(retval) == list:
+ print ''' *ret_data = QOBJECT(qlist_new());
+ if (qmp_retval) {
+ QList *list = qobject_to_qlist(*ret_data);
+ %s i;
+ for (i = qmp_retval; i != NULL; i = i->next) {
+ QObject *obj = %s(i);
+ qlist_append_obj(list, obj);
+ }
+ }''' % (qmp_type_to_c(retval[0], True), qmp_type_to_qobj_ctor(retval[0]))
+ print
+ print 'qmp__out:'
+ if qmp_type_is_event(retval):
+ print ' qemu_free(qmp__connection);'
+ print
+ args = []
+ for argname in required:
+ argtype = required[argname]
+ if qmp_type_should_free(argtype):
+ print ' %s(%s);' % (qmp_free_func(argtype), c_var(argname))
+ for argname in optional:
+ argtype = optional[argname]
+ if argtype == '**':
+ print ' %s(%s);' % (qmp_free_func('KeyValues'), c_var(argname))
+ elif qmp_type_should_free(argtype):
+ print ' if (has_%s) {' % c_var(argname)
+ print ' %s(%s);' % (qmp_free_func(argtype), c_var(argname))
+ print ' }'
+ if retval != 'none':
+ if qmp_type_should_free(retval):
+ print ' %s(%s);' % (qmp_free_func(retval), 'qmp_retval')
+ print ' return;'
+ print '}'
def tokenize(data):
while len(data):
if data[0] in ['{', '}', ':', ',', '[', ']']:
@@ -488,6 +709,11 @@ if len(sys.argv) == 2:
kind = 'marshal-body'
elif sys.argv[1] == '--marshal-header':
kind = 'marshal-header'
+ elif sys.argv[1] == '--body':
+ kind = 'body'
+ elif sys.argv[1] == '--header':
+ kind = 'header'
if kind == 'types-header':
@@ -517,6 +743,22 @@ elif kind == 'marshal-body':
#include "qmp-marshal-types.h"
#include "qerror.h"
+elif kind == 'header':
+#ifndef QMP_MARSHAL_H
+#define QMP_MARSHAL_H
+#include "qemu-common.h"
+#include "qemu-objects.h"
+#include "qmp-types.h"
+#include "error.h"
+elif kind == 'body':
+#include "qmp.h"
+#include "qmp-core.h"
exprs = []
expr = ''
@@ -562,6 +804,26 @@ for s in exprs:
print_enum_marshal_declaration(key, s[key])
elif kind == 'marshal-body':
print_enum_marshal_definition(key, s[key])
+ else:
+ name, required, optional, retval = s
+ if kind == 'body':
+ print_definition(name, required, optional, retval)
+ elif kind == 'header':
+ print_declaration(name, required, optional, retval)
if kind.endswith('header'):
print '#endif'
+elif kind == 'body':
+ print
+ print 'static void qmp_init_marshal(void)'
+ print '{'
+ for s in exprs:
+ if type(s) != list:
+ continue
+ if qmp_type_is_event(s[3]) or s[0] in ['qmp_capabilities',
+ print ' qmp_register_stateful_command("%s", &qmp_marshal_%s);'
% (s[0], c_var(s[0]))
+ else:
+ print ' qmp_register_command("%s", &qmp_marshal_%s);' % (s[0],
+ print '};'
+ print
+ print 'qapi_init(qmp_init_marshal);'
- Re: [Qemu-devel] [PATCH 03/22] qapi: add Error object, (continued)
- [Qemu-devel] [PATCH 10/22] qapi: add core QMP server support, Anthony Liguori, 2011/03/06
- [Qemu-devel] [PATCH 12/22] qapi: add QAPI module type, Anthony Liguori, 2011/03/06
- [Qemu-devel] [PATCH 06/22] qapi: add JSON parsing error message, Anthony Liguori, 2011/03/06
- [Qemu-devel] [PATCH 13/22] qapi: add code generators for QMP command marshaling,
Anthony Liguori <=
- [Qemu-devel] [PATCH 15/22] qapi: add new QMP server that uses CharDriverState, Anthony Liguori, 2011/03/06
- [Qemu-devel] [PATCH 14/22] qapi: add query-version QMP command, Anthony Liguori, 2011/03/06