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Re: [Qemu-devel] Unclear committer situation

From: Avi Kivity
Subject: Re: [Qemu-devel] Unclear committer situation
Date: Wed, 02 Dec 2009 11:08:55 +0200
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On 12/02/2009 10:37 AM, Alexander Graf wrote:
On 02.12.2009, at 09:26, Aurelien Jarno wrote:

On Tue, Dec 01, 2009 at 12:47:36PM +0100, Alexander Graf wrote:

Could someone with commit rights please stand up to feel responsible for

Usually, when I send a patch to qemu-devel, I know who to address to
increase chances of it getting committed. For kvm/vnc/block I just CC
Anthony, for Audio I just CC malc, etc.

There are some subsystems where nobody feels responsible though,
apparently hoping 'someone else' will tske on it. Well, turns out it
doesn't work that way.

So could we please assign a committer for every subsystem around? Even
if the committer doesn't know the architecture inside out, it's still
valuable to have soneone feel responsible at all. Committer and
maintainer also don't have to be the same person. I'll gladly maintain
S390 without having commit rights - as long as I have someone to CC and
know the patches will get merged.

I also try to follow the ppc architecture, though less than mips and
also depending on my free time. I know that Blue Swirl and Malc also
care about it.
Right - which makes it pretty hard. IMHO it's always best to have a single 
person to talk to when it comes to committing and others who comment on patches.

In fact, I even believe that the person committing stuff doesn't have to know the stuff 
he commits. If I make a patch that breaks S390 and someone commits it, it's my fault 
breaking it - not the committer's. If I do a patch breaking PPC KVM, it's my fault 
breaking it, not the committer's. And with fault I also mean "responsibility to 
Breakage is simple.  This difficult stuff is keeping the code maintainable.

It's not impossible that I miss patches given the current patches rate
on the mailing list, so don't hesitate to Cc: me. On the other hand, I
don't really feel comfortable with KVM related patches, I would prefer
to see them committed by Anthony.
Avi, can I get PPC KVM patches in through you then? I guess you're the closest 
person to the code in question.

error compiling committee.c: too many arguments to function

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