On 12/22/08, Laurent Vivier <address@hidden> wrote:
Le 22 déc. 08 à 12:20, Blue Swirl a écrit :
On 12/22/08, Laurent Vivier <address@hidden> wrote:
On an install CD there is a forth script which start yaboot with
parameters but currently OpenBIOS is not able to decode this script
XML tags).
Did OHW ever handle this?
It does, but it is a hack: it computes the checksum of the script to
identify it, and according the checksum the things to do are
hardcoded into
You have a big "switch()" and a "case" for each known script (for
"debian etch install CD", "debian sarge install CD", etc).
Well, it wasn't that hard. The patch o_2_use_bootinfo.diff adds
parsing of CHRP file ppc\bootinfo.txt. Still, the loaded yaboot does
not work. Maybe a problem with ELF loader?
I've shuffled the patch series a bit, so here are all pending patches.
Would anyone mind if I applied them?