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Re: [PATCH v4 1/3] qmp.py: change event_wait to use a dict

From: John Snow
Subject: Re: [PATCH v4 1/3] qmp.py: change event_wait to use a dict
Date: Thu, 14 May 2020 15:31:51 -0400
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:68.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/68.5.0

On 5/14/20 11:59 AM, Kevin Wolf wrote:
> Am 14.05.2020 um 17:07 hat John Snow geschrieben:
>> On 5/14/20 10:47 AM, Kevin Wolf wrote:
>>> Am 14.05.2020 um 04:25 hat John Snow geschrieben:
>>>> It's easier to work with than a list of tuples, because we can check the
>>>> keys for membership.
>>>> Signed-off-by: John Snow <address@hidden>
>>>> ---
>>>>  python/qemu/machine.py        | 10 +++++-----
>>>>  tests/qemu-iotests/040        | 12 ++++++------
>>>>  tests/qemu-iotests/260        |  5 +++--
>>>>  tests/qemu-iotests/iotests.py | 16 ++++++++--------
>>>>  4 files changed, 22 insertions(+), 21 deletions(-)
>>> I think you need to convert scripts/simplebench/bench_block_job.py, too.
>> Oh, right -- that one is new since I did this. A lot of these scripts
>> need to be moved over into the python/ directory and managed under the
>> same pylint/mypy regime as everything else.
>> A *ton* of our scripts are in various states of disrepair.
> Is python/ actually supposed to have executable files in it? I thought
> it was more for libraries.

Welllllllllllllll. At the moment it's library only. but one of the
things you can do with a library is define executable entry-points into
that library.

If you haven't cast an eye at that 32 patch series yet, it basically
creates a structure like this:

> ./python/qemu/lib/[qmp|machine|qtest|accel].py

qemu/ forms a PEP420 namespace; the idea is to be able to modularly
create and independently package subpackages.

qemu/lib forms a proper python package in which there are no
executables, just a library, as you say.

My idea is that anything under python/*/ ought to form a properly
formatted package. So we could, for instance, have a
python/qemu/devtools namespace which packages and collects a bunch of
our little scripts.

Then we could make sure we hit them with the same
mypy/pylint/flake8/whatever as the core libraries those scripts are
using to keep them in sync better.

And, ideally, if they are all using the same kind of paradigms for
import and dependency management it will be easier to use them and keep
them up to date, etc.

For using them as a developer, you could, say,
cd  ~/src/qemu/python
pip3 install --user -e .

and install the source packages to your local environment and then have
access to e.g.

> qmp-shell

right on your CLI, without having to fuss with PYTHONPATH or anything
else. As you update the source repo, you'll get the new versions of the
package living in your python environment automatically.

Of course, this maybe has downsides too; so you can always use a virtual
environment to adopt a context in which you have these tools. For that,

> pip3 install --user pipenv  # or use dnf, or apt, w/e.
> cd ~/src/qemu/python
> pipenv shell
> pip install -e .

And from here you'll have the dev package installed to a development
venv that you can use.

*cough* anyway, that's wildly off-topic.

Generally, you want to format a library such that you have a callable
entry point, maybe named main(). So you'd have some qmp-shell module and
it has a main() function.

Then, in the setup.py script, you'd define qemu.lib.qmp_shell:main() as
an entry point and give it a name like 'qmp-shell'. When pip/setuptools
processes your package installation, it'll create a shim for you in e.g.
~/.local/bin/qmp-shell that will just load the library and execute that
entrypoint for you.

I was thinking I'd do this for all of our python scripts so I could
spend my energy on a pylint/mypy test infrastructure *once* and *in one
place* and then it would be easier to detect regressions for scripts
that don't actually run as part of the test suite.

>>>> diff --git a/python/qemu/machine.py b/python/qemu/machine.py
>>>> index b9a98e2c86..eaedc25172 100644
>>>> --- a/python/qemu/machine.py
>>>> +++ b/python/qemu/machine.py
>>>> @@ -478,21 +478,21 @@ def event_wait(self, name, timeout=60.0, match=None):
>>>>          timeout: QEMUMonitorProtocol.pull_event timeout parameter.
>>>>          match: Optional match criteria. See event_match for details.
>>>>          """
>>>> -        return self.events_wait([(name, match)], timeout)
>>>> +        return self.events_wait({name: match}, timeout)
>>>>      def events_wait(self, events, timeout=60.0):
>>>>          """
>>>>          events_wait waits for and returns a named event from QMP with a 
>>>> timeout.
>>>> -        events: a sequence of (name, match_criteria) tuples.
>>>> +        events: a mapping containing {name: match_criteria}.
>>>>                  The match criteria are optional and may be None.
>>>>                  See event_match for details.  timeout:
>>>>                  QEMUMonitorProtocol.pull_event timeout parameter.
>>>>                  """
>>>>          def _match(event):
>>>> -            for name, match in events:
>>>> -                if event['event'] == name and self.event_match(event, 
>>>> match):
>>>> -                    return True
>>>> +            name = event['event']
>>>> +            if name in events:
>>>> +                return self.event_match(event, events[name])
>>> This part confused me a bit for a second. Of course, that's probably
>>> mostly just me, but I feel 'events' isn't a good name any more when the
>>> values of the dict are match strings rather than events.
>> This is honestly a really bad function. When I was trying to type
>> everything, this one was at the bottom of the pile and it was the worst.
>> It needs an overhaul.
>> In my 32 patch series, I left the "match" types as "Any" pretty much
>> everywhere, because it's such a laissez-faire series of functions.
> It would require recursive types, which aren't supported yet. So I guess
> Any is the best we can do at the moment.

It would also do well with a fully schema-validated API if we actually
knew exactly what a "QMP Message" was and had some guarantee about
exactly what fields and types it had.

This is where a generated validator would really help for type-safe SDK

... We of course do not have that right now, and might not ever, so
yeah, 'Any' type is fine -- but I really want to rewrite this function
because it does stick out as ugly and hard to read, I admit :(

Anything that's hard to type -- by the person who wrote most of it -- is
going to be hard to use or understand. Time for a rework.

>> I'll keep the feedback in mind.
>>>>              return False
>>>>          # Search cached events
>>>> diff --git a/tests/qemu-iotests/040 b/tests/qemu-iotests/040
>>>> index 32c82b4ec6..90b59081ff 100755
>>>> --- a/tests/qemu-iotests/040
>>>> +++ b/tests/qemu-iotests/040
>>>> @@ -485,12 +485,12 @@ class TestErrorHandling(iotests.QMPTestCase):
>>>>      def run_job(self, expected_events, error_pauses_job=False):
>>>>          match_device = {'data': {'device': 'job0'}}
>>>> -        events = [
>>>> -            ('BLOCK_JOB_COMPLETED', match_device),
>>>> -            ('BLOCK_JOB_CANCELLED', match_device),
>>>> -            ('BLOCK_JOB_ERROR', match_device),
>>>> -            ('BLOCK_JOB_READY', match_device),
>>>> -        ]
>>>> +        events = {
>>>> +            'BLOCK_JOB_COMPLETED': match_device,
>>>> +            'BLOCK_JOB_CANCELLED': match_device,
>>>> +            'BLOCK_JOB_ERROR': match_device,
>>>> +            'BLOCK_JOB_READY': match_device,
>>>> +        }
>>>>          completed = False
>>>>          log = []
>>>> diff --git a/tests/qemu-iotests/260 b/tests/qemu-iotests/260
>>>> index 804a7addb9..729f031122 100755
>>>> --- a/tests/qemu-iotests/260
>>>> +++ b/tests/qemu-iotests/260
>>>> @@ -67,8 +67,9 @@ def test(persistent, restart):
>>>>      vm.qmp_log('block-commit', device='drive0', top=top,
>>>>                 filters=[iotests.filter_qmp_testfiles])
>>>> -    ev = vm.events_wait((('BLOCK_JOB_READY', None),
>>>> -                         ('BLOCK_JOB_COMPLETED', None)))
>>>> +    ev = vm.events_wait({
>>>> +        'BLOCK_JOB_READY': None,
>>>> +        'BLOCK_JOB_COMPLETED': None })
>>> So, I'm not sure if this is nitpicking or rather bikeshedding, but
>>> having the closing brackets on the next line would be more consistent
>>> with the other instances in this patch.
>> Nah, it's fine. I'll clean it up. This is pretty close to an RFC series
>> anyway, so I didn't really polish it.
>> (Or, I will try to clean it up. I probably won't work on it again in the
>> near term. I think I just wanted to see if this seemed useful in general
>> to people.
> Ah, there isn't much missing for this series, though. We don't have to
> wait for a fix-the-world series when we can incrementally improve
> things.

Alright, I'll try to hit it halfway -- I spent some time thinking about
a "full" job running framework but ran into some dead-ends I wasn't too
happy with, and wasn't convinced this was a simplification of any kind.

Still, seeing part of the job running code get duplicated in 040 was a
motivation to try and provide some universal job-running monster that
would be extensible for nearly any task.

Unfortunately that complexity does generally make the calling sites look
worse, so I cooled off on the idea since.

So I did intend this as an RFC, because I'm not really 100% happy with
the design.

>> As part of maybe moving the python library onto a package, I thought
>> that maybe developing a JobRunner tool would be useful to have in that
>> library. As you can see, I nestled it into iotests.py, though.)
> Let's just do that now, we can always move it somewhere else later.

I assume you mean "Let's just put it in iotests.py for now."

If we do decide to take that 32 patch series to formalize a qemu lib, it
will not be hard to start moving things from here to there.

I will probably take an eye to our iotests and see what functionality
gets duplicated or used a lot and try to push more things down into the
stack where possible.

The QMP event handling stuff in particular seems needlessly split
between qmp.py, machine.py, iotests.py, etc.

> Kevin

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