On Wed, 6 Jul 2022 at 10:11, Richard Henderson
<richard.henderson@linaro.org> wrote:
We can reuse the SVE functions for implementing moves to/from
horizontal tile slices, but we need new ones for moves to/from
vertical tile slices.
Signed-off-by: Richard Henderson <richard.henderson@linaro.org>
+ * Move Zreg vector to ZArray column.
+ */
+#define DO_MOVA_C(NAME, TYPE, H) \
+void HELPER(NAME)(void *za, void *vn, void *vg, uint32_t desc) \
+{ \
+ int i, oprsz = simd_oprsz(desc); \
+ for (i = 0; i < oprsz; ) { \
+ uint16_t pg = *(uint16_t *)(vg + H1_2(i >> 3)); \
+ do { \
+ if (pg & 1) { \
+ *(TYPE *)(za + tile_vslice_offset(i)) = *(TYPE *)(vn + H(i)); \
+ } \
+ i += sizeof(TYPE); \
+ pg >>= sizeof(TYPE); \
+ } while (i & 15); \
+ } \
+DO_MOVA_C(sme_mova_cz_b, uint8_t, H1)
+DO_MOVA_C(sme_mova_cz_h, uint16_t, H2)
+DO_MOVA_C(sme_mova_cz_s, uint32_t, H4)
i is a byte offset in this loop, so shouldn't these be using H1_2 and H1_4 ?