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[QEMU]send key event from monitor

From: Mircea Cociuba
Subject: [QEMU]send key event from monitor
Date: Mon, 24 Aug 2020 09:45:27 +0000 (UTC)

Hello guys again,

Basicaly I have a running arm cortex m4 with FPU enabled, all good an' well.
I wrote a small echo server, whatever I type I get back, simple, right?
it works in the same console(I type 's', I get 's' back). Using the UART of the device.

When connecting the monitor( I just added this: -monitor telnet:,server,nowait)
using telnet, I use the sendkey command(It says in the monitor it emulates sending keyboard events)
The problem, when I send the command, the echo server does not get it(not present in the UART register)
I checked it with gdb, the command never reaches the running bare-metal program.

Must I append something else to get the thing to work?

Mircea Cociuba
"To be or not to be, that is not a question, it's FF".

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