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[Po4a-dev]Help needed to fix a problem in module sgml

From: Martin Quinson
Subject: [Po4a-dev]Help needed to fix a problem in module sgml
Date: Mon, 17 Feb 2003 14:56:29 +0100
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.3i


I have a problem in the SGML module which I fail to solve alone.

In order to handle the inclusion entities, I build a temp file and then
parse this constructed temp file. In this file, each file inclusion entitie
is replaced by the file itself.

The code for that is the following:

    # Protect &entities; (but the ones asking for a file inclusion)
    #   search the file inclusion entities
    my %entincl;
    my $searchprolog=$prolog;
    while ($searchprolog =~ /<!ENTITY\s(\S*)\s*SYSTEM\s*"([^>"]*)">(.*)$/is) 
        print STDERR "Seen the entity of inclusion $1 (=$2)\n"
                    if ($debug{'entities'});
        $searchprolog = $3;
    #   Change the entities to their content
    foreach my $key (keys %entincl) {
        print STDERR "read ".$entincl{$key}."\n" if ($debug{'entities'});
        open IN,"<".$entincl{$key}  ||
            die sprintf(gettext("Can't open %s: %s\n"),$entincl{$key},$!);
        local $/ = undef;
        $entincl{$key} = <IN>;
        close IN;
    #   Change the entities
    while ($origfile =~ /^(.*?)&([^;\s]*);(.*)$/s) {
        if (defined $entincl{$2}) {
            $origfile = "$1".$entincl{$2}."$3";
            print STDERR "substitute $2\n" if ($debug{'entities'});
        } else {
            $origfile = "$1".'{PO4A-amp}'."$2;$3";
            print STDERR "preserve $2\n" if ($debug{'entities'});

The problem is that afterward, the position (filename and line number) are
naturally wrong. My problem is the design of a solution to fix those values

When using, i know the line number in the rewritten file, and I need to
build a data structure during the code above which can allow me to retrieve
the real file and line number from that.

Any idea is welcome. Patches are VERY welcome ;)

Thanks, Mt.

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