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Re: [Pika-dev] macro hygeine vs. Oleg

From: Tom Lord
Subject: Re: [Pika-dev] macro hygeine vs. Oleg
Date: Sun, 30 Nov 2003 10:37:02 -0800 (PST)

Tom> "How to write seeming unhygienic and referentially opaque
Tom> macros with syntax-rules" Oleg Kiselyov; The Workshop on
Tom> Scheme and Functional Programming (2002).

Tom> I think that the paper:

Tom>   a) demonstrates a bug in some implementation of R5RS macros

Al> Can you provide an example of an expression that you think should
Al> evaluate to something different from what Oleg and all the macro
Al> implementors think it should?

Um... I must sheepishly admit no.   I thought I could when I raised
the topic.

Al> Have you tried feeding Oleg's tricks to your expander?  I'm
Al> guessing you haven't finished writing your expander yet,

That's true but its far enough in design that I can simulate by hand,
which I simply did incorrectly on the first N examples that I tried.
Mixed in with that were some simpler examples that I did correctly,
that I thought were doing doing the moral equivalent of the tricks
illustrated in the MY-LET example but weren't.

As I said:

Tom> Perhaps, though, I have badly misunderstood something so I
Tom> thought I'd briefly present my reasoning and see what people have
Tom> to say.

I had, I did, and they said "you're wrong" which was right.

Damn :-)


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