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Re: [Phptest-users] re: problems

From: dank
Subject: Re: [Phptest-users] re: problems
Date: Sun, 04 Aug 2002 20:20:16 -0700

Brandon Tallent wrote:
> Can you take some screenshots of the formatting problems?

Sure.  Here's what my test text said:

What should replace X in the following Makefile?
hello: hello.c
        cc -o $X hello.c

Here's the HTML as it came out during the test:

<td bgcolor="#E5F3FF">
2. What should replace X in the following Makefile?
<br />
<br />
hello: hello.c
<br />
        cc -o $X hello.c
<br />
</pre> <br /><br />

Inside a <pre>, you don't really need those <br/>'s,
and getting rid of them would probably fix the problem.

I used <pre> because otherwise the indentation of
the second line of the question got lost.  I suppose
I could use &nbsp;'s to force an indent, but that's ugly.

The screenshot is attached.


PNG image

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