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Re: [phpGroupWare-users] Problem with File manager and forum

From: Dave Hall
Subject: Re: [phpGroupWare-users] Problem with File manager and forum
Date: Mon, 19 Feb 2007 21:33:15 +1100

On Sun, 2007-02-18 at 19:40 -0700, Chris wrote:
> Two part question. First, File manager:
> Cannot get it to work no matter how i try. PHP config is according to 
> recommendations. I have the phpgw installed at:
> /home/httpd/vhosts/domain.x/httpdocs/phpgw
> I have placed the files directory at:
> /home/httpd/vhosts/domain.x/phpgwfiles
> phpgwfiles is chmod 777 and contain subdirectories groups, users & home. It's 
> also owned by apache just to be sure. Still I get this when I go to the File 
> manager:
> Error:        Could not create directory /home/admin 
> (/home/httpd/vhosts/domain.x/phpgwfiles/home/admin)
> How come? It's writeable and outside web root?

What OS?

> Second, the forum app doesn't install. I get these errors:
> Quote:
> > Database error: Invalid SQL: CREATE TABLE phpgw_forum_body (id int(11) 
> > auto_increment not null NULL, cat_id int NOT NULL, for_id int NOT NULL, 
> > message blob NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(id))
> > MySQL Error: 1171 (All parts of a PRIMARY KEY must be NOT NULL; If you need 
> > NULL in a key, use UNIQUE instead)
> > Database error: Invalid SQL: INSERT INTO phpgw_forum_categories 
> > (name,descr) VALUES ('Just a sample', 'This is a sample category')
> > MySQL Error: 1146 (Table 'normal_main.phpgw_forum_categories' doesn't exist)
> It's several more rows but it says the same as for the last two, except other 
> tables.Sent from the phpGroupWare forums @

Which db (and version)? which version of PHP?


Dave Hall (aka skwashd)
API Coordinator
e address@hidden
j address@hidden
sip address@hidden
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