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[phpGroupWare-users] conference update

From: Dave Hall
Subject: [phpGroupWare-users] conference update
Date: Fri, 20 Oct 2006 23:24:08 +1000

Hi all,

So far the response for the user day of the conference (8 Nov) has been
less than what we expected.  I know there are a few people are "maybe
coming" or "thinking about it", this message is for you too :)

The reasons for this message are 2 fold.  Primarily it is to convince
you to come.  Less importantly it is to encourage you to sign up sooner
rather than later - as we need to know numbers for catering etc.

Lets start with the important information

What: phpGroupWare Conference 2006 - User Day
When: 8 November 2006 (6+7 Nov is for the geeks)

How much does it cost?
We think not a lot.  The actual costs are:
  * 100EUR Professional (read if work is paying)
  * 50EUR Hobbyist (if you are paying)
  * 20EUR Student/Unemployed (if you are short on cash)

What do you get for your money?
You get to hear what is coming in the 0.9.18 and 1.0 releases and some
broad information about what is planned for version 2.  You get to tell
senior developers of the project what you think about things - face to
face.  You get to see a range of phpGroupWare modules and hear how they
may be useful for you and your business (or clients).  One of our
sponsors GET has been generous enough to put on morning and afternoon
tea for you.  You will be welcome to join some of the developers for
lunch and/or dinner.

Need somewhere to stay?
Why not stay where some of the developers are staying - ? The rates seem reasonable and they
have wifi :)

Can't make it, but would like to find out what happened?
We won't lie to you, you will miss out by not attending.  We can give
you a second rate experience through the website.  We will be providing
conference materials online and editted video/audio highlights online.

Want to come, but not sure?
Ask your question here or email me directly and I will try to answer
your questions.  Be warned, I am pretty excited about travelling all the
way from Australia to Paris for the conference and think you will be too
once you get there.


Dave Hall (aka skwashd)
API Coordinator
e address@hidden
j address@hidden
sip address@hidden
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