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Re: [Phpgroupware-users] configuring smtp auth in email app

From: Dirk H. Schulz
Subject: Re: [Phpgroupware-users] configuring smtp auth in email app
Date: Tue, 14 Mar 2006 08:33:25 +0100
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0.7 (Macintosh/20050923)

Okay, please delete the nonsense I emitted.

I had set up a somewhat more complex routing through several mailserver instances instead of smtp auth. That means: none of my phpgw instances uses smtp auth successfully.

Sorry for wasting your time.


Dirk H. Schulz schrieb:

Chris Weiss schrieb:

you have to edit the source.  wiki seems to be down so I can't lookup
exactly where, but check in (i think)
It can be enabled in email/inc/class.mail.send ..., but
a) I did not do that in the instance of phpgw that uses smtp auth (I verified it looking at the code) b) it would not have survived all the updates this instances has gone through c) you have to configure user and password there which means phpgw would use the same user/password pair for all email accounts which my mailserver would not accept.

There must be something else. Unfortunately I did not document what I did last time to get it running.

Any other takers? Please!


On 3/13/06, Dirk H. Schulz <address@hidden> wrote:
Hi folks,

I am sure the question is quite silly, but I do not do it very often:
Where do I configure the email app to use smtp auth? I have compared an
instance of phpgw where it is working with one where it does not, but
did not find any differences.

I have looked in admin app (configuring email app) and in the account
configurations. Is there a third place where this can be configured?

Any help is appreciated.


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