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Re: [Phpgroupware-users] (no subject)

From: Chris Weiss
Subject: Re: [Phpgroupware-users] (no subject)
Date: Tue, 16 Sep 2003 20:49:11 +0000

Alex Borges (address@hidden) wrote:
>My dear friend.....
>Oh, did you ever ask what was easyer to use, the packages or the
>1.- M<ake shure your temporal directory is pointing to /tmp

Or that the dir your php.ini points to for sessions is writable by the www-data

>2.- Give the 14.005 tarball a is actually easyer to install
>(as with most web apps) and better supported than the debs.

.14.006 is the latest, and .006 is well supported no matter what package it is.
Granted some of the previous distro-package releases were mest up a bit, and 
out of date, but currently .006 is .006 no matter how it comes bundled.

>El mar, 16-09-2003 a las 11:11, Daniel Miller escribió:
>> After much pain and suffering, I've successfully installed
>> phpgroupware with php4 and apache 1.3 on
>> Debian 3.  I think I can even do it again.

Dunno what Debian 3 is, I'm used to Woody, Sarge, and  Sid, but .14.000 is 
quite old
now and has many bugs fixed since then and a couple potentialy nasty cross site
scripting holes so please upgrade to as soon as possible.

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