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Re: [Phpgroupware-users] Phpgroupware and memory

From: Dan Kuykendall
Subject: Re: [Phpgroupware-users] Phpgroupware and memory
Date: Thu, 29 Aug 2002 08:22:02 -0700
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This is yet another reason I want to make the switch to PHP4. PHP 4.1 and up support deconstructors. This will allow us to close up objects and each object can unset any vars it put in memory.

PHP4 has several other handy ways to deal with cleaning up memory usage that I believe will help as well.

For now I have looked and looked at what specificly we are using that takes up so much memory, but havent figured it all out yet.


Brian Johnson wrote:
I have a similar problem for which I haven't yet found a fix

Occasionally (ie about every two weeks) my httpd daemon sucks up so much
memory that it slows down the server and I have to restart it (the httpd

The httpd server process is normally only being used for phpgroupware - from
informal testing I think that phpgroupware is doing it

The server is a PIII 650 with 512M RAM a 10G HD for the system that includes
a 522104K swap partition (the home directory is on a second hard drive)

Brian Johnson
address@hidden <mailto:address@hidden>
Johnson Engineering Consultants
368 Huron St., Stratford, Ont.
Ph: 519-271-9923
Fax: 519-271-5353

-----Original Message-----
From: address@hidden
[mailto:address@hidden Behalf Of Chris Weiss
Sent: Thursday, August 29, 2002 10:03 AM
To: address@hidden
Subject: Re: [Phpgroupware-users] Phpgroupware and memory

it's php and/or apaches fault.  most phpgw scripts do a clean up to close
resources and release memory, but php/apache keeps hol dof that memory to
later.  Trouble is it doesn't always use it right away thus sucking up
memory.  phpgw is a very complex php app in the grand scheme of things and
can use a lot of memory.

My server has 256Meg and uses only 1.4Meg of swap.  A small amount of swap
normal, more than 10Meg and I'd be worried.

Mikael Mourcia (address@hidden) wrote*:

Hi all,

I get a problem with memory managment. I'm runnning phpgroupware 0.9.14
under Linux (RedHat 7.3) and when I log into phpgroupware i see via the top
command the used memory increasment.
Ok for that but when i logout nothing happens. THe used memory does not
decrease :(
And in fact after a few minute my system is obliged to use swap memory ...

Does someone get the same problem ?
Mikael Mourcia

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