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[Phpgroupware-tracker] [bug #4096] Something wicked happens when creati

From: nobody
Subject: [Phpgroupware-tracker] [bug #4096] Something wicked happens when creating more than 15 groups
Date: Wed, 25 Jun 2003 13:46:47 -0400
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:0.9.6+) Gecko/20011122

=================== BUG #4096: LATEST MODIFICATIONS ==================

Changes by: Paulo Tavares <address@hidden>
Date: Qua 25-06-2003 em 14:46 (America/Sao_Paulo)

------------------ Additional Follow-up Comments ----------------------------
Looks like BUG#1609 already related some problem with viewing acls...and it's 
open... (it's in API-Preferences category). Perhaps this bug also could move to 
I was testing the early and this problem doesn't happend at all. I 
got 30 groups and could browse through my groups AND users (using the "arrow" 
Since if I create more than 15 groups, I'm just not able to browse 
through my USERS, only groups (using the arrow button) so far.
What's going on ?

=================== BUG #4096: FULL BUG SNAPSHOT ===================

Enviado por: ptavares                 Projeto: phpGroupWare                 
Enviado em: Qua 25-06-2003 em 10:38
Category:  API - Admin                Bug Group: release        
Severity:  5 - Major                  Priority:  High                       
Resolution:  None                     Assigned to:  None                    
Status:  Open                         Component Version:  CVS               
Platform Version:  Linux - RedHat     Reproducibility:  Every Time          

Summary:  Something wicked happens when creating more than 15 groups

Original Submission:  Whenever I create more than 15 groups, the user list 
disappears (I can't see it anymore) from the acl of many applications, such as 
calendar (preferences-->calendar-->Grant Access)
In the projects applications also, I can't visualize more then 15 projects, 
even though I have much more than that. If I just  search the project, I can 
see it.
Someone can help me?

Follow-up Comments

Date: Qua 25-06-2003 em 14:46       By: ptavares
Looks like BUG#1609 already related some problem with viewing acls...and it's 
open... (it's in API-Preferences category). Perhaps this bug also could move to 
I was testing the early and this problem doesn't happend at all. I 
got 30 groups and could browse through my groups AND users (using the "arrow" 
Since if I create more than 15 groups, I'm just not able to browse 
through my USERS, only groups (using the arrow button) so far.
What's going on ?

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