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[Phpgroupware-docteam] Make your girlfriend happy.

From: Patsy R. Inscriptions
Subject: [Phpgroupware-docteam] Make your girlfriend happy.
Date: Sat, 07 Oct 2006 20:56:11 -0500

Are you having problems both physical or psychological about your erection? Take Viagra....Truly a miracle drug! Definitely works!

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If this oddball wasnt a plant, the accidental meeting might be turned to my benefit. Check with control central, will you? Its going to be rush no matter how we handle it. Shed make a great agent. And the nice part was I could identify her and she would have no idea of who I was. Nothing has changed. I had had the foresight to make the case of tinted plastic which blurred the contents nicely and hinted at rather than revealed them. The taste was indescribably awful and left the mouth feeling as if it had been rasped by steel wool soaked in sulphuric acid. Wouldnt you be interested in knowing something about that robotwhois holding you, I said.

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