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[Phpgroupware-docteam] Change the character encoding of a postgresql dat

From: Hans-Juergen Tappe
Subject: [Phpgroupware-docteam] Change the character encoding of a postgresql database
Date: Fri, 17 Sep 2004 18:29:53 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.6) Gecko/20040413 Debian/1.6-5


I faced the following Problem:
PostgreSQL Error: 1 (ERROR: invalid byte sequence for encoding "UNICODE"
during a SQL command containg a special character.

Due to this problem with german special characters (Umlaute) I needed to change the character encoding of a postgresql phpgroupware database (UNICODE is not supported yet, it seems; SQL_ASCII woks fine for european special characters). I did not find the solution on the internet, so I thought, I might send it to this list. Maybe it could be inserted into some FAQ about phpgroupware.

To change the encoding, do the following:

pg_dump phpgroupware > phpgroupware.pgdump
vim phpgroupware.pgdump ### edit character coding
dropdb phpgroupware
createdb -E SQL_ASCII phpgroupware
psql -l ### check for the encoding
psql phpgroupware < phpgroupware.pgdump


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