First, run phpwebhosting/test.php. If you get ANY errors, PLEASE report them. You should wait until those errors have been fixed before preceeding with the rest of the tests. Upload these types of files and check the size/MIME-type/history for each: empty file normal sized file large file file with special characters in name (address@hidden&*()-_=+/|[{]};:'\",<.>?) file with special characters in text with comments with comments that contain special characters Create a directory Create a directory with special characters Upload files into each directory Edit the files. Preview and save each Rename each file. Try to put / \ ' " < > & in the name Edit the comments. Try to put / \ < > in the comment Download the files Copy the files into the other directories Move the files into the other directories Delete the files Make sure you're in at least one group and that that group has access to phpwebhosting Go up to /home Enter a group's directory Repeat above steps for the group's directory Move/copy files from/to group directory. Check the owner and history after each operation Create two files with the same name but different content. Move/copy one to the other and check the information/history is right Create a file and directory by hand in the file system. Use the Update button and check the information is correct Test ACL support: READ=read ADD=upload (or copy to or move to when destination file doesn't exist) EDIT=edit (or copy to or move to when destination file does exist) DELETE=delete PRIVATE=none Test different preferences, viewing in a new window, on server, etc.