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Re: [paragui-users] Some questions about PARAGUI...

From: u821417
Subject: Re: [paragui-users] Some questions about PARAGUI...
Date: Fri, 03 Dec 2004 22:17:12 +0800 (CST)

> Dear ALL:
> (1)How do i make PG_Listbox controled by keyboard?
>    i.e.,up/down key could select the item of the listbox.
AFAIK manually. I suppose the listbox doesn't stand outside of context,
but it rather in a window that is derived from PG_Widget or so. Then you
could overwrite the eventKeyDown function of this class. Unfortunately, 
I don't have a sufficiently simple example at hand, so I can just ask:
Do you understand what I mean?

> (2)How to make a caption-less window?
If with "no caption" you mean "no title", you can use "SetTitle". If you
don't want the whole titlebar, either use a PG_Widget or use
Does this suffice?

> (3)I know XML could layout the contain of the window,
>    but how about the message?
With messages you mean the connection between signals of the widgets and


All i want to do is ... as the focus shift to another thumb image,
the mapping list box shows (others hide), and i could select the listboxitem.
How do i focus the thumb image and activate its onclick message?
(By keyboard!)

XML is easy to make a layout.
But how do i coding the message event?
(Such as , i layout a button and a listbox by XML script,
how do i add onclick button event which makes listbox show/hide ??? )

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