After damaging my openpilot revo board i decided that this board
although small it has a flaw, it has a very sensitive regulator which
fails often, i already have destroyed two of those while all my twogs,
lias and one Krooz i have work fine for many years.
I decided to try the new MATEK f405 wing controller just for fun as i
wait to retire from work.
Does anyone have a schematic for it (i know that it is not open source
but i think i could write a board file for this controller)?
Of course in the end i will backtrace all connections if needed.
Also is the BMP280 baro supported?
Anyway it looks promising as it merges some basic functions like
current sensor, osd and many pads as i don't like plugs of any type, i
prefer to solder wires directly to board.
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