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[Paparazzi-devel] IVY bus link ground station to airborne drone

From: JD123UAV
Subject: [Paparazzi-devel] IVY bus link ground station to airborne drone
Date: Sat, 26 Aug 2017 16:58:49 -0700 (MST)


Another question relating to the paparazzi communications, when using the
IVY bus is the communication link between the ground computer and airborne
provided by a piece of hardware such as a remote control control device or
an API device such as the XBee?  Or is the network Wi-Fi router able to
provide this function?

Also, in regards to the IVY bus - I downloaded and installed Ivy from -  was this necessary? 

At the moment I have the ARDrone2, ground computer and Vicon motion capture
system connected on the same Wi-Fi network through a Wi-Fi router but no ivy
bus communications is being received by the drone.

I am using the GPS small message format in the same manner at NatNet to
transfer the XYZ position data from the Vicon to the drone.

Also is the PPRZ_link method similar, i.e. requiring additional hardware /



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