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Re: [Paparazzi-devel] Ar.Drone 2 session stuck at "Waiting for telemetry

From: Felix Ruess
Subject: Re: [Paparazzi-devel] Ar.Drone 2 session stuck at "Waiting for telemetry"
Date: Tue, 9 Aug 2016 23:56:56 +0200

Hi Riccardo,

the cross compiler from the team-gcc-arm-embedded ppa is only for cross compiling to embedded (bare metal) targets.
The ARDrone runs Linux so arm-linux-gnueabi-gcc from the gcc-arm-linux-gnueabi package is used.

When you compile the ap target for it, it should print the exact version at the beginning...

I think most people using the ARDrone2 are still using Ubuntu 14.04, so I'm not sure if the cross compiler with 16.04 has been tested so far (although I can't think of a reason why it wouldn't work with the new compiler).
Maybe someone who actually has/uses an ARDrone2 (e.g. from TU Delft) can chip in here?

Also what Paparazzi version (output of ./paparazzi_version) are you using?

Cheers, Felix

On Tue, Aug 9, 2016 at 10:24 PM, Riccardo Paolo Bestetti <address@hidden> wrote:
Hello Felix,
Thank you for your help.

I'm using Ubuntu 16.04, "gnome desktop" variant.

The install tutorial instructed to install the compiler from "team-gcc-arm-embedded", which is as far as I understand distro-independent. Doesn't this mean that the Ar.Drone board build should be broken for everyone using the last compiler from that PPA? Or could the problem depend on something else than the cross-compiler?

Riccardo Paolo Bestetti

On 09 ago 2016, at 9:32 PM, Felix Ruess <address@hidden> wrote:

Hi Riccardo,

can you please post some more details on your OS (distribution, version), the cross compiler and paparazzi version you are using?

Regarding the USE_UDPx flags: most of them are set "automatically" depending on which UDP ports you use for telemetry:
You can override those defaults in your airframe file, e.g.:
<module name="telemetry" type="transparent_udp">
  <configure name="MODEM_DEV" value="UDP0"/>
The default MODEM_HOST (IP to which the packets are sent is defined in

Cheers, Felix

On Tue, Aug 9, 2016 at 9:09 PM, Riccardo Paolo Bestetti <address@hidden> wrote:

I have new details: I tried manually running the ap.elf executable in a Telnet shell and it immediately quits with the following error message:

FATAL: kernel too old
Segmentation fault

It makes me think of an issue with the cross-compiler.

Any idea on how to solve this?

--- Riccardo Paolo Bestetti

Il 09/08/2016 17:15, Riccardo Paolo Bestetti ha scritto:
I'm trying to start an Ar.Drone 2 session from the default files.
The only changes I made so far are changing the GPS type to sirf and removing the ublox module from the airframe file.

Build & upload are successful, but when I start the session the software gets stuck at "waiting for telemetry" as if the drone doesn't send any data back.

I really have no idea where to start debugging the problem. Does the ap program on the Drone output error messages somewhere?

Also, I'm trying to understand the build system, and there is something I don't get: where do the various makefiles take the "default" configuration values from? And how can I manually vary them for a particular airframe?
For example, when the ap program for the Ar.Drone is built, the flags "USE_UDP0", "UDP0_HOST", "UDP0_PORT_IN", etc. are correctly set (looking at the compiler flags from the ap_srcs.list file), but I don't see them defined anywhere in the configuration files.

--- Riccardo Paolo Bestetti

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