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Re: [Paparazzi-devel] difficulties to start again

From: Felix Ruess
Subject: Re: [Paparazzi-devel] difficulties to start again
Date: Wed, 27 Jan 2016 10:49:26 +0100

Please don't add anything that depends on or uses the global IMU struct.
I still hope to finally get completely rid of that for the next release for proper multi IMU support..

On a sidenote: I would first try to exhaust the filtering options the IMU itself has before adding a filter in software.

On Tue, Jan 26, 2016 at 11:02 PM, Christophe De Wagter <address@hidden> wrote:

We also need filtering of RAW imu on helicopters. Maybe it could become an option just before / after scaling in IMU.h

On Jan 26, 2016 7:07 PM, "hendrixgr ." <address@hidden> wrote:
After 2 years untouched the gas engined airplane with all the bells and whistles flew again
I am not in the mental form i was before but i am starting to understand/remember the code again.
Btw Felix do the newer versions of the Drotek imu driver offer any accelerometer filtering for use with gas engined airplanes?
I do use a simple moving average filter on the raw values with great results i must admit but i would like to stop modifying the default code.

On Mon, Jan 25, 2016 at 11:53 PM, hendrixgr . <address@hidden> wrote:
I just found what was wrong after 3 hours of searching and watching the new x files episode 1
Of course it was my mistake....
Now on to understand the new messaging system.

On Mon, Jan 25, 2016 at 11:17 PM, Felix Ruess <address@hidden> wrote:
Hm... weird... it looks correct and nothing should have changed in that regard.

Since the linker complains, it looks like parachute.c is not added to the sources.
Could you plz check if it's mentioned in with the correct path in /home/hendrix/paparazzi/var/aircrafts/X8/ap_srcs.list and that the c file is really there?

On Mon, Jan 25, 2016 at 5:27 PM, hendrixgr . <address@hidden> wrote:
I had been away for quite some time but i decided to star to fly again for fun this time but i am having migration difficulties.
I am trying to modify all my code and modules to the 5.8 version and it looks like nothing works :-)
The first problem i have is that paparazzi can't find the module's periodic and init functions although they are described correctly on the module's xml file (i have triple checked the spelling of the called functions).
Any help welcomed...
The actual module code is in the sw/airborne/modules/parachute/ directory
Here is the output i get:
/home/hendrix/paparazzi/var/aircrafts/X8/ap/firmwares/fixedwing/main_ap.o: In function `modules_init':
/home/hendrix/paparazzi/var/aircrafts/X8/ap/generated/modules.h:31: undefined reference to `parachute_init'
/home/hendrix/paparazzi/var/aircrafts/X8/ap/firmwares/fixedwing/main_ap.o: In function `modules_periodic_task':
/home/hendrix/paparazzi/var/aircrafts/X8/ap/generated/modules.h:40: undefined reference to `parachute_periodic'
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
make[1]: *** [/home/hendrix/paparazzi/var/aircrafts/X8/ap/ap.elf] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/hendrix/paparazzi/sw/airborne'
make: *** [ap.compile] Error 2

Here is the xml file
<!DOCTYPE module SYSTEM "module.dtd">

<module name="parachute" dir="parachute">

      parachute deployement

    <file name="parachute.h"/>

  <init fun="parachute_init()"/>
  <periodic fun="parachute_periodic()" freq="10"/>

  <makefile target="ap|sim">
        <file name="parachute.c"/>
        <define name="USE_PARACHUTE" value="1"/>
    <define name="WIND_INFO"/>
    <define name="WIND_INFO_RET"/>
    <define name="PARACHUTE_DESCENT_RATE"        value="3.0" />
    <define name="PARACHUTE_WIND_CORRECTION"    value="0.5" />
    <define name="PARACHUTE_LINE_LENGTH"        value="3.0" />

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