Hi Tom,
If you don't require X11, you can use the instructions on the wiki for
installing on Mac OS X:
http://wiki.paparazziuav.org/wiki/Installation/MacOSXIt seems the GTK+ development has shifted away from using X11 on Mac OS X
and is now directly implemented on to of Quartz. No need for X11.
That being said, there are still some bugs with the native Quartz GTK that
may or may not be a problem. The issues I have seen are related to the
canvas with respect to displaying papgets and map overlays. Outside of that,
it should work OK. It's just not 100% and hopefully that will improve in the
near future.
The key is to follow the Mac OS X install instructions in the order they are
presented on the wiki page.
Of note, I'm dealing with issues related to El Capitan and if you haven't
upgraded to it, don't upgrade yet. Yosemite is much more stable, at least
for now.
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