I experience the failure of the xquartz since I upgraded my paparazzi from v5.4 to v5.6.Meanwhile,my osx upgraded from10.8.5 to 10.10.5.My Xcode upgraded to the newest 7.0. And the xquartz(2.7.7) can't work for the paparazzi,although I have installed paparazzi as the wiki's instruction step by step.
Every time the paparazzi runs,it doesn't display the"X"icon on the dock,instead,it displays the console's icon. Obviously,the xquartz is not working for paparazzi.
I have tried many methods to make the paparazzi starts with the xquartz.Unfortunately they turn out to be fail.Since my mac is not a blank new machine for it. Did I miss something,which makes the xquartz can't work for the paparazzi?Any suggestion or tips will be appreciated!!