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[Paparazzi-devel] possible problem in fw/datalink

From: Eduardo lavratti
Subject: [Paparazzi-devel] possible problem in fw/datalink
Date: Wed, 1 Apr 2015 19:45:54 -0300

Well, analyzing the firmware/fixedwing/datalink.c i see this peace of code:

#ifdef DlSetting
            if (msg_id == DL_SETTING && DL_SETTING_ac_id(dl_buffer) == AC_ID) {
              uint8_t i = DL_SETTING_index(dl_buffer);
              float val = DL_SETTING_value(dl_buffer);
              DlSetting(i, val);
              DOWNLINK_SEND_DL_VALUE(DefaultChannel, DefaultDevice, &i, &val);
            } else if (msg_id == DL_GET_SETTING && DL_GET_SETTING_ac_id(dl_buffer) == AC_ID) {
              uint8_t i = DL_GET_SETTING_index(dl_buffer);
              float val = settings_get_value(i);
              DOWNLINK_SEND_DL_VALUE(DefaultChannel, DefaultDevice, &i, &val);
            } else
#endif /** Else there is no dl_settings section in the flight plan */

I think the correct is #ifdef DLSETTING instead of #ifdef DlSetting in the first line ! right ?

BTW, what means "there is no dl_settings section in the flight plan" ?

I think this code is used to get/send config values by the ground station.

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