Hi all,
since I've already been asked about this, a short notice on the Python wrappers for the Paparazzi math lib that we now have in master:
You need to install swig2.0
$ sudo apt-get install swig2.0
build the wrappers
$ cd $PAPARAZZI_SRC/sw/lib/python/pprz_math
$ make
Make sure python will find the modules by either adding $PAPARAZZI_SRC/sw/lib/python to your PYTHONPATH or adding it to sys.path at runtime of the script.
E.g. to play around with it in ipython:
You can then import the modules or parts in the usual way, e.g.:
from pprz_math.geodetic import *
from pprz_math.algebra import FloatEulers, FloatVect3, FloatQuat, FloatRMat
and do some stuff with it:
utm_origin = UtmCoor_d(north=377349, east=4824583, alt=147, zone=31)
print("origin %s" % utm_origin)
lla_origin = utm_origin.to_lla()
ecef_origin = lla_origin.to_ecef()
ltp_origin = ecef_origin.to_ltp_def()
v = FloatVect3(16,32,64)
R = FloatEulers(phi=radians(90)).to_rmat()
v2 = FloatVect3(1,2,3) + R * v
See also
https://github.com/paparazzi/paparazzi/pull/1066Pull requests with improvements are of course welcome ;-)
Cheers, Felix