Thank you for your answer Ben.
However, I understand you are using three motors as a tricopter to hover then you tilt them to fly forward. In my case, I have four motors : 3 for hovering and 1 for fly forward. So during the flight, the first threes start to VTOL then stop to let the fourth one for the forward flight (with a transitionning phase). Moreover, I would like to do it in AUTO2 mode. Can Paparazzi handle that natively? And if yes, how?
In the Quadshot example, I saw this
<set servo="ELEVON_LEFT" value="AP_MODE == AP_MODE_ATTITUDE_DIRECT ? $hover_left : $forward_left" />
<set servo="ELEVON_RIGHT" value="AP_MODE == AP_MODE_ATTITUDE_DIRECT ? $hover_right : $forward_right" />