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Re: [Paparazzi-devel] errors with command "make"

From: Felix Ruess
Subject: Re: [Paparazzi-devel] errors with command "make"
Date: Fri, 18 Apr 2014 00:39:22 +0200


your ivy-ocaml package is too old and doesn't provide proper package descriptions for ocamlfind.
Not sure about the versions the paparazzi binary installer contains for 10.7 or if it's available on macports...
Maybe someone using OSX can help out here?

Cheers, Felix

On Thu, Apr 17, 2014 at 3:09 PM, 心如烛光 <address@hidden> wrote:
      I have updated my paparazzi code form ver4.2.2 to ver 5.1 with the command"git checkout master"for my macbook pro(lion 10.7.5).Then I deleted all files with command"make clean",and recompiled them with "make".However It just returns some errors:
Building Paparazzi version v5.1_devel-1079-g8d928c5
make -C data/maps
DOWNLOAD: google maps version code
Could not download google maps version code
make[1]: *** [/Users/mac/paparazzi/conf/maps_data/] Error 1
make: [update_google_version] Error 2 (ignored)
[ -L conf/conf.xml ] || [ -f conf/conf.xml ] || cp conf/conf_example.xml conf/conf.xml
[ -L conf/control_panel.xml ] || [ -f conf/control_panel.xml ] || cp conf/control_panel_example.xml conf/control_panel.xml
[ -L conf/maps.xml ] || [ -f conf/maps.xml ] || cp conf/maps_example.xml conf/maps.xml
make -C sw/lib/ocaml
OC fig.mli
ocamlfind: Package `glibivy' not found
make[1]: *** [fig.cmi] Error 2
make: *** [libpprz] Error 2

How can I fix the problem?thanks a lot!

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