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Re: [Paparazzi-devel] Logging data and configuring barometric sensor

From: Kadir ÇİMENCİ
Subject: Re: [Paparazzi-devel] Logging data and configuring barometric sensor
Date: Wed, 16 Apr 2014 08:31:53 +0300

Hi Matthew,

If you have knowledge about HMSL for your flight location and insert it into your flight plan i believe it must not be necessary to call NavSetAltitudeReferenceHere(), because it will change the hmsl of the ltp origin by referencing GPS altitude (In my opinion it may not be trusty). I suggest you only to realign the vf  before take off on the coordinates you define in flight plan(lat0-lon0). But there was a checkbox for the vf_realign on GCS(in vert_loop tab i guess) some time ago, i guess it is removed now. Felix do you have information about vf_realign checkbox? Maybe im thinking wrong about the issue and there is a good reason to remove it, so don't apply my suggestion before getting an answer from Felix


2014-04-16 5:26 GMT+03:00 paparazzi_guy <address@hidden>:
Hey Felix,

Sorry, I'll try to be more clear. We have a certain test field that we
travel to when we want to flight. I looked up online the Height Above Sea
Level for this location and inserted it into my flight plan (it was 45m). I
had our waypoints at 75m each. When we went to the field and turned
everything on (when the plane was on the ground) the GCS was telling me I
was at an altitude of 17m/75m (located beside the block icons). Therefore, I
was always going to be 17m lower when flying than I wanted to. Someone told
me this was because the barometer needed to be zeroed at this location, so I
was looking into calibrating that.

I looked up AGL and the wiki said I needed to enable SRTM to use it, but it
doesn't look like I have that installed.

However, I thought the NavSetAltitudeReferenceHere() function you showed me
would fix this problem because it would automatically set the waypoints to
the appropriate height from where we were starting on the ground. But when I
added this function to my flight plan today it was giving me the error that
the function was not defined. I my waypoints lined up with geographical
locations in the field, which is why I didn't want them to move when we take
off from different locations. I believe you said this happens when the
NavSetGroundReferenceHere() function is used.

So do you think the NavSetAltitudeReferenceHere() function will fix my
problem and if so, is there an error with Paparazzi that is preventing me
from using it? Thanks.

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