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Re: [Paparazzi-devel] Gps Lag ublox lea6s

From: Andrew Chambers
Subject: Re: [Paparazzi-devel] Gps Lag ublox lea6s
Date: Thu, 6 Mar 2014 08:19:42 -0800


You mentioned that the GPS delay is about 1 second. I'm interested in how to determine these lag numbers for different GPS units. Is this delay mentioned in the datasheet? Or do you look at GPS timestamps versus time the message is received by the computer? Or do you physical move the unit and see how long it takes to register the movement?

On Sun, Mar 2, 2014 at 9:56 AM, Kadir ÇİMENCİ <address@hidden> wrote:

hi Sergey,
thanks , thanks for the reply, i will try togive feedback about the issue..

2 Mar 2014 18:21 tarihinde "Sergey Krukowski" <address@hidden> yazdı:


I'm personally don't gps lag compensation, but use gps speed for hff.
You can just try first without using both of them. Then try to turn on only one thing at a time and check its behavior.

Best Regards,

Hello everyone,
Im planning to use Hff filter for my rotorcraft, but not sure about the
"Gps Lag" option.  Do you advice me to use Gps delay option. I am using
ublox lea6s and there is a delay of 1 second approximately for both positon
and speed output. Another question is that, do you advice me to use Hff
filter to estimate horizontal speeds too? or only for position estimates?

Thanks in advance..


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